首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Kimberly Cox, Review of Clare Stainthorp’s “Activity and Passivity: Class and Gender in the Case of the Artificial Hand.”

Kimberly Cox, Review of Clare Stainthorp’s “Activity and Passivity: Class and Gender in the Case of the Artificial Hand.”

机译:金伯利·考克斯(Kimberly Cox),克莱尔·斯坦索普(Clare Stainthorp)的评论“活动与被动:在人工手的情况下,阶级与性别”。



Clare Stainthorp’s article makes evident that Henry Robert Heather Bigg’s ArtificialLimbs and the Amputations which Afford the Most Appropriate Stumps in Civil andMilitary Surgery (1885) is a must read for those of us studying Victorian disability,hands, or material culture. Her analysis of a woman’s prosthetic hand as described byBigg—the surgeon who created it—reveals how the medical community’s views on thefunction of prosthetics were shaped by, as well as actively shaping, societal perceptionsof gender, class, and physical norms, especially for upper-class women of marriageableage. While the article focuses on one specific case of prosthesis, it does so to argue thatstudies on disability in the nineteenth century need to account for and analyze “thedistinctive voice of nineteenth-century medical professionals” to fully account forpredominant views on normativity and wholeness, and further how those views extendto questions of class and gender (14).
机译:克莱尔·斯坦索普(Clare Stainthorp)的文章清楚地表明,亨利·罗伯·希瑟·比格(Henry Robert Heather Bigg)的《人工肢体》和《阿福德》是《民用和军事外科最合适的树桩》(A885)的截肢术,对于那些研究维多利亚时代的残疾,手或物质文化的人们来说,是必读的。如Bigg所描述的那样,她对女性义肢的分析表明,医学界对义肢功能的看法是如何形成并积极塑造性别,阶级和身体规范的社会观念的,尤其是对上层社会的看法婚姻的高级妇女。尽管本文着眼于一种特殊情况的假肢,但它认为,关于19世纪的残疾研究需要考虑和分析“ 19世纪医疗专业人员的与众不同的声音”,以充分考虑对规范性和整体性的主要观点,以及进一步将这些观点扩展到阶级和性别问题(14)。



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