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“A Parasite For Sore Eyes: Rereading Infection Metaphors in Bram Stoker’s Dracula.”




Dracula’s bite ineluctably changes his victims, transforming them into vampires andalso into the pale and wasted “Undead.” So obviously at stake (in every sense) are ideasof contagion, infection, degeneration, and epidemic in Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897),that critics have identified diseases from rabies to cholera, tuberculosis to syphilis,cancer to leprosy, as symbolic presences within the novel. That Dracula “responds toanxieties of degeneration through metaphors of infection”, has become, as Ross G.Forman notes in this impressive essay, “axiomatic” (925). Forman’s intervention in thiscritical tradition is to argue that parasitic infection, and infection with malaria inparticular, offers a particularly fertile way to understand the text.
机译:吸血鬼的吸血不可避免地改变了他的受害者,将他们变成了吸血鬼,也变成了苍白浪费的“亡灵”。因此,在布拉姆·斯托克的《吸血鬼》(1897年)中,传染,感染,退化和流行的观念显然(在各个方面都处于危险之中),批评家们已经将狂犬病,霍乱,结核病,梅毒,癌症到麻风病等疾病定性为标志小说。正如罗斯·G·福尔曼(Ross G.Forman)在这篇令人印象深刻的文章中所指出的那样,德古拉“通过感染的隐喻来应对退化的焦虑”已经成为“公理”(925)。福尔曼(Forman)对这一批判传统的干预是说,寄生虫感染和特别是疟疾感染提供了一种理解文本的特别肥沃的方式。



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