首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Andreea Ros, Review of Christopher D. Kilgore’s “Bad Networks: From Virus to Cancer in Post-Cyberpunk Narrative.”

Andreea Ros, Review of Christopher D. Kilgore’s “Bad Networks: From Virus to Cancer in Post-Cyberpunk Narrative.”

机译:Andreea Ros,克里斯托弗·D·基尔戈(Christopher D. Kilgore)的评论:“不良网络:后网络朋克叙事中的从病毒到癌症”。



Critical interest in the uses of contagion as a metaphor and cognitive schema hasexposed the multitude of ways in which contagion permeates modern modes of thinkingand writing. Christopher D. Kilgore makes an interesting intervention in this growingfield of contagion studies through his analysis of depictions of computer viruses ascancerous schemas in post-cyberpunk media, in particular, the Matrix trilogy films(1999, 2003) and Steven Hall’s Raw Shark Texts (2007). Close readings of these texts,coupled with a critical account of the history of the changing meanings of both “virus”and “cancer”, demonstrate how shifting depictions of info-viruses reflect both evolvingcultural understandings of cancer and a difference in the political alignments ofcyberpunk as a genre. By portraying info-viruses as internal threats arising from a desirefor excessive growth in line with the cancer schema, post-cyberpunk texts leave behindboth the xenophobic tropes of the virus schema and the genre’s initial politicalambivalence in favour of a more explicit critique of the excesses of late capitalism.
机译:人们对以传染为隐喻和认知模式的使用表现出了极大的兴趣,这已经暴露出传染在现代思维和写作方式中渗透的多种方式。克里斯托弗·基尔戈(Christopher D. Kilgore)通过分析计算机朋克后网络媒体中计算机病毒无毒模式的描绘,特别是对《黑客帝国》三部曲电影(1999,2003)和史蒂文·霍尔(Steven Hall)的《生鲨鱼文本》(2007)进行了有趣的干预,以此来研究这种传染病的增长领域)。对这些文本的仔细阅读,再加上对“病毒”和“癌症”含义变化的历史的批判性描述,表明信息病毒的不断变化的描述如何反映出对癌症的不断发展的文化理解以及网络朋克在政治取向上的差异作为一种体裁。通过将信息病毒描绘为因癌症模式过度增长而引起的内部威胁,网络朋克后文本既保留了病毒模式的仇外倾向,又保留了该类型最初的政治歧义,从而更明确地批评了病毒的过度行为。晚期资本主义。



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