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On Anarchy, or What We Talk About When We Talk About Science.




In 1975, the philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend published his controversial,agonistic, and now infamous manifesto against positivism, Against Method. Claimingthat the fundamental conservatism of science hinders its potential progress, he arguesthat a more “anarchic” approach is necessary for engaging with the radical unknownsof nature. Instead of relying upon an episteme mired in uniformity and objectivity, hewrites, “we must invent a new conceptual system that suspends, or clashes with themost carefully established observations, confounds the most plausible theoreticalprinciples, and introduces perceptions that cannot form part of the existing perceptualworld” (32). For Feyerabend, such a counterintuitive method is epistemologicallynecessary, for only by incorporating religion, myth, philosophy, and the “ramblings ofmadmen” can science ever truly understand a universe that is essentially irrational(68).
机译:1975年,科学哲学家保罗·费耶阿本德(Paul Feyerabend)发表了他的有争议的,激动人心的,如今臭名昭著的反对实证主义的宣言,《反对方法》。他声称科学的基本保守主义阻碍了其潜在的发展,他认为,应对自然界的根本未知因素,需要采取一种更加“无政府主义”的方法。他写道,与其依赖于单一性和客观性的认识论,“我们必须发明一个新的概念系统,该系统可以中止或与最仔细建立的观察结果相冲突,混淆最合理的理论原理,并引入无法形成现有感知世界一部分的观念”(32)。对于费耶阿本德来说,这种反直觉的方法在认识论上是必要的,因为只有将宗教,神话,哲学和“疯子”混为一谈,科学才能真正理解本质上非理性的宇宙(68)。



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