首页> 外文期刊>Journal of plant interactions >Identification of Caragana plant volatiles, overlapping profiles, and olfactory attraction to Chlorophorus caragana in the laboratory

Identification of Caragana plant volatiles, overlapping profiles, and olfactory attraction to Chlorophorus caragana in the laboratory




Chlorophorus caragana (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a trunk borer that feeds on Caragana shrubs in the desert. There are five species of Caragana plant in the distribution area of Ch. caragana. We investigated damaged Caragana plants in the field. Olfactory responses of female Ch. caragana to plants and identified volatile compounds from Caragana plants were further evaluated. Caragana davazamcii was severely damaged in the field, followed by Caragana microphylla. No damage was found to the other three species. Behavioral experiments showed that C. davazamcii, C. microphylla, and Caragana korshinskii were attractive to female insects. Caragana ordosica could repel and avoid female insects. Caragana brachypoda had no effect on the orientation behavior of female insects. Seventy volatile components were identified from the Caragana plants, and (Z)-β-ocimene, 1,3-pentadiene, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, perillene, chrysanthenone, and limonene were the most abundant volatiles identified from the Caragana plants. Th...
机译:Chlorrophorus caragana(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae)是一种树干bore,以沙漠中的Caragana灌木为食。在中国的分布地区,有五种柠条植物。柠条。我们在野外调查了受损的柠条植物。雌性Ch。的嗅觉反应。柠条植物,并鉴定了来自柠条植物的挥发性化合物。野锦鸡在田间受到了严重破坏,其次是小叶锦鸡儿。没有发现对其他三个物种的损害。行为实验表明,C。davazamcii,C。microphylla和Caragana korshinskii对雌性昆虫具有吸引力。柠条可以排斥并避免雌性昆虫。柠条锦鸡儿对雌性昆虫的定向行为没有影响。从柠条植物中鉴定出七十种挥发性成分,而从柠条植物中鉴定出的挥发物含量最高,其中(Z)-β-西门烯,1,3-戊二烯,(Z)-3-己烯基乙酸酯,紫苏兰,菊烯酮和mon烯。那个...



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