首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >Rethinking the Distribution of Cultural Capital in the “Safety Lamp Controversy”: Davy vs Stephenson in Letters to the Newcastle Press, 1816-17

Rethinking the Distribution of Cultural Capital in the “Safety Lamp Controversy”: Davy vs Stephenson in Letters to the Newcastle Press, 1816-17




A little over two hundred years ago, on 5 December 1815, a well-attended meeting of the members of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle upon Tyne took place. The purpose of this meeting, in the first city of the British coal trade, was to display several examples of the recent invention of the miners’ safety lamp. The various lamps presented were designed to provide a safe light in coal mines in the presence of “fire-damp”: the naturally occurring, highly flammable mixture of gases that would explode when exposed to a naked flame, and which, in the first years of the nineteenth century, had caused several horrific mining disasters below ground, such as that at Felling Colliery on 25 May 1812, when ninety-two miners were killed. A detailed, and sobering, record of mining fatalities in the north-eastern coalfield is provided by the Durham Mining Museum; their online database of colliery disasters speaks of the scale of the human tragedy that unfolded between 1800 and 1815, and thus of the pressing need for an effective means of risk reduction. Present at the Newcastle meeting was the botanist Nathaniel Winch, who sent a report of it, signed “N.,” to the Philosophical Magazine (James 223). Winch devotes a large section of his account to describing the lamp produced by George Stephenson, an “engine-wright at Killingworth Colliery,” before concluding:From what has been already said, together with the inclosed [sic] section, an invention nearly similar to Sir H. Davy’s will be immediately recognised; but that it has not been pirated from that gentleman is a fact known to most of the mine owners here; … Sir Humphry Davy’s discovery flowed from science judiciously applied. Stephenson’s discovery appears to have resulted from trials made below ground; for, though an excellent mechanic and acute man, he is unacquainted with the science of chemistry.
机译:大约200年前,即1815年12月5日,泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔文学和哲学学会成员举行了一次热闹的会议。这次会议的目的是在英国煤炭贸易的第一个城市,展示矿工安全灯的最新发明的几个例子。所展示的各种灯的设计旨在在存在“火焰”的情况下为煤矿提供安全的照明:天然存在的高度易燃气体的混合物,暴露于裸露的火焰中会爆炸,并且在最初的几年中会爆炸。十九世纪的大麦曾在地下造成过几次可怕的采矿灾难,例如1812年5月25日在菲林采煤场(Felling Colliery)造成的92名矿工被杀害。达勒姆矿业博物馆(Durham Mining Museum)提供了有关东北煤田采矿死亡人数的详尽而醒目的记录;他们的煤矿灾害在线数据库讲述了1800年至1815年间发生的人类悲剧的规模,因此迫切需要有效的降低风险的手段。植物学家纳撒尼尔·温奇(Nathaniel Winch)出席了纽卡斯尔会议,并向《哲学》杂志(詹姆斯·223)发送了一份报告,并在报告中签名“ N”。温奇将大部分时间用于描述“基林沃思煤矿的引擎工程师”乔治·斯蒂芬森生产的灯,然后得出结论:从已经说过的内容以及与之附上的[原文]部分来看,一项发明几乎是相似的将立即确认戴维爵士的名字;但是这里的大多数矿主都知道没有被那个绅士盗版。 …汉弗莱·戴维爵士的发现源于明智应用的科学。斯蒂芬森的发现似乎是地下试验的结果。因为,尽管他是一位出色的机械师和敏锐的人,但他对化学科学并不了解。



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