首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Literature and Science >The After-Lives of Vain Women in The Rape of the Lock: Pope’s Sylphs and the “Corpuscular Philosophy” of Robert Boyle’

The After-Lives of Vain Women in The Rape of the Lock: Pope’s Sylphs and the “Corpuscular Philosophy” of Robert Boyle’




Alexander Pope addressed natural philosophy directly in the works of his maturity. While he admired Isaac Newton (if, that is, his famous tribute of 1730 may be taken at face value), his evident awe at the natural world as revealed by the scientists yields, in the Essay on Man, to the Scriblerian declaration that "all our Knowledge is, OURSELVES TO KNOW" (epistle 4, line 398), and his caricatures of the antiquarian, the Egyptologist, the horticultualist and the butterfly collector in the fourth book of the Dunciad (lines 347-458) represent the virtuosi as obsessive, solipsistic, competitive, and unprincipled. One of the titles bestowed by the Goddess Dulness is "F.R.S." (Dunciad 4, line 570) – Fellow of the Royal Society. Pope's youthful attitude was probably less clear-cut (although the Rape of the Lock does contain some incidental mockery of the virtuosi). The subject of this article is not, however, Pope's attitude to science. It is, rather, his poetic exploitation of it in the Rape of the Lock, his early masterpiece. Pope's account of the sylphs (canto 2, lines 55-68) is indebted to the hypotheses of Robert Boyle, the greatest English scientist of the seventeenth century
机译:亚历山大·波普(Alexander Pope)在其成熟的作品中直接谈到自然哲学。尽管他敬佩艾萨克·牛顿(Isaac Newton)(如果可以说是以其面值来表示他的1730年著名的贡品),但他对自然界的敬畏之情,正如科学家在《随笔随笔》(Essay on Man)中所揭示的那样,向斯克雷布里亚人宣告:我们所有的知识都是“我们要知道”(第4章,第398行),而他在Dunciad第四本书(第347-458行)中对古物,埃及学家,园艺家和蝴蝶收藏家的讽刺画代表了德军执着,固执,竞争和无原则。女神杜尔尼斯(Dulness)授予的头衔之一是“ F.R.S.” (第4条,第570行)–皇家学会会员。教皇年轻时的态度可能不太明确(尽管《强奸案》确实包含对维尔托斯的一些偶然嘲弄)。但是,本文的主题不是教皇对科学的态度。相反,这是他在早期的杰作《强奸之锁》中对它的诗意化利用。教宗对风琴的描述(canto 2,第55-68行)是关于十七世纪最伟大的英国科学家罗伯特·博伊尔的假设的



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