首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pain Research >Heat pain detection threshold is associated with the area of secondary hyperalgesia following brief thermal sensitization: a study of healthy male volunteers

Heat pain detection threshold is associated with the area of secondary hyperalgesia following brief thermal sensitization: a study of healthy male volunteers




Introduction: The area of secondary hyperalgesia following brief thermal sensitization (BTS) of the skin and heat pain detection thresholds (HPDT) may both have predictive abilities in regards to pain sensitivity and clinical pain states. The association between HPDT and secondary hyperalgesia, however, remains unsettled, and the dissimilarities in physiologic properties suggest that they may represent 2 distinctively different pain entities. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between HPDT and BTS-induced secondary hyperalgesia. Methods: A sample of 121 healthy male participants was included and tested on 2 separate study days with BTS (45°C, 3 minutes), HPDT, and pain during thermal stimulation (45°C, 1?minute). Areas of secondary hyperalgesia were quantified after monofilament pinprick stimulation. The pain catastrophizing scale (PCS) and hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) were also applied. Results: A significant association between HPDT and the size of the area of secondary hyperalgesia ( p 2, 95% confidence interval (CI) of ?37.77 to ?16.98 cm2, with an R 2 of 0.19. Likewise, a significant association between HADS-depression subscore and area of secondary hyperalgesia ( p =0.046) was found, with an estimated expected change in secondary hyperalgesia to a 1-point increase in HADS-depression subscore of 11 cm2, 95% CI (0.19–21.82), and with R 2 of 0.03. We found no significant associations between secondary hyperalgesia area and PCS score or pain during thermal stimulation. Conclusion: HPDT and the area of secondary hyperalgesia after BTS are significantly associated; however, with an R 2 of only 19%, HPDT only offers a modest explanation of the inter-participant variation in the size of the secondary hyperalgesia area elicited by BTS.
机译:简介:短暂的皮肤热敏性(BTS)和热痛检测阈值(HPDT)之后的继发性痛觉过敏面积在疼痛敏感性和临床疼痛状态方面均具有预测能力。然而,HPDT与继发性痛觉过敏之间的关联仍未解决,生理特性的差异表明它们可能代表2个截然不同的疼痛实体。这项研究的目的是调查HPDT与BTS引起的继发性痛觉过敏之间的关联。方法:纳入121名健康男性参与者的样本,并在2个独立的研究日中分别进行BTS(45°C,3分钟),HPDT和热刺激过程中的疼痛(45°C,1分钟)的测试。单丝细针刺刺激后量化继发性痛觉过敏的面积。还应用了疼痛灾难性量表(PCS)和医院焦虑抑郁量表(HADS)。结果:HPDT与继发性痛觉过敏的面积大小之间存在显着相关性(p 2 ,95%置信区间(CI)为?37.77至?16.98 cm 2 ,R为 2 为0.19。同样,发现HADS抑郁亚评分与继发性痛觉过敏面积之间存在显着相关性(p = 0.046),继发性痛觉过敏的预期变化为HADS升高1点抑郁亚评分为11 cm 2 ,95%CI(0.19–21.82),R 2 为0.03,我们发现继发性痛觉过敏面积与PCS评分之间无显着相关性结论:HPDT与BTS后继发性痛觉过敏的面积显着相关;但是,仅当R 2 仅为19%时,HPDT才提供了参与者之间适度的解释。 BTS引起的继发性痛觉过敏区域的大小变化。



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