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University woodwind students’ experiences with playing-related injuries and their management: a pilot study




Background: This study aimed to determine the experiences of university classical woodwind students with playing-related injuries (PRIs), the impact of these PRIs, the management selected by students with PRIs, and the perceived effectiveness of this management. Materials and methods: All classical woodwind students enrolled in vocational education training or undergraduate courses at a university were sent an email with a link to an online survey. Only those aged 18 years and older were eligible. The survey obtained data regarding demographic information, details of PRI experienced (location, if they lasted for more than 3 months, and if they were current), and the impact of these, as well as the types of management strategies tried and their perceived effectiveness. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and comments were reported descriptively. Results: Fourteen students returned the survey; however, one of these only completed the questions regarding demographics, and was therefore excluded. A total of 62% of participants reported having experienced a PRI. Common locations for PRI were the wrist/hand/fingers, lower back, and neck. Reducing practice time by half and missing playing commitments were the most commonly reported consequences of PRIs. Playing-related management strategies were most frequently trialed, with these and passive nonplaying-related strategies perceived to be the most effective. Conclusion: PRIs are common in this population, with a range of consequences reported. While it is encouraging that students had tried and found effective playing-related management strategies, active nonplaying-related strategies should be encouraged, particularly in preference to passive nonplaying-related strategies. This was a small-scale study, and the results are only applicable to the institution investigated; therefore, similar larger-scale studies are recommended to determine the generalizability of these findings.
机译:背景:本研究旨在确定大学古典木管乐器演奏相关伤害(PRI)的学生的经历,这些PRI的影响,具有PRI的学生选择的管理方式以及这种管理方式的感知效果。材料和方法:向所有参加过职业教育培训或大学本科课程的古典木管乐器学生发送了一封电子邮件,其中包含指向在线调查的链接。只有18岁以上的人符合资格。该调查获得了有关以下方面的数据:人口统计信息,经历过的PRI的详细信息(位置,持续时间超过3个月,是否持续),这些措施的影响以及尝试的管理策略的类型及其感知的有效性。 。使用描述性统计数据分析数据,并描述性地报告评论。结果:十四名学生返回了调查问卷;但是,其中一个仅完成了有关人口统计的问题,因此被排除在外。共有62%的参与者报告经历过PRI。 PRI的常见位置是手腕/手/手指,下背部和脖子。将练习时间减少一半和错过比赛承诺是PRI最常见的后果。与游戏相关的管理策略最常被试用,这些策略和被动的与非游戏相关的策略被认为是最有效的。结论:PRIs在该人群中很常见,并报告了一系列后果。虽然鼓励学生尝试并找到有效的与游戏相关的管理策略是令人鼓舞的,但应鼓励与非游戏相关的主动策略,特别是优先于被动的非游戏相关策略。这是一项小型研究,其结果仅适用于所研究的机构;因此,建议进行类似的大规模研究来确定这些发现的一般性。



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