首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pain Research >Validity testing of patient objections to acceptance of tamper-resistant opioid formulations

Validity testing of patient objections to acceptance of tamper-resistant opioid formulations




Background: Tamper-resistant formulations (TRFs) of oral opioid drugs are intended to prevent certain types of abuse (eg, intranasal, intravenous). Patients raising objections to receiving a TRF may have valid concerns or may be seeking a formulation that can be more easily misused.Methods: US clinicians experienced in pain management met in October 2011 to discuss common patient objections to being switched from a non-TRF opioid to a TRF of the same opioid. Retail pharmacy, health insurance, and scientific data were used to assess the potential validity of these patient objections.Results: Clinical experience switching patients from a non-TRF to a TRF opioid was limited to oxycodone controlled release (CR), as it was the only TRF available at that time; knowledge of other TRFs was limited to the scientific literature. Common objections from patients included “costs more,” “not covered by insurance,” “can't feel it working,” and “causes adverse events.” Objective retail pharmacy and insurance coverage information for oxycodone CR was accessible and indicated that patient objections were based on cost and coverage varied by insurer. Unpublished trial results (ClinicalTrials.gov) revealed that TRF oxycodone CR has a slower initial release than the non-TRF formulation, which may reduce positive subjective effects. The complaint “I can't feel it working” may reflect lessened positive subjective effects rather than reduced analgesic efficacy. Most tolerability complaints lacked objective support.Conclusion: The general process used to assess the validity of patient objections to TRF oxycodone CR may be applied to other TRFs once they become available. Publication of clinical data on TRFs would help clinicians to appropriately weigh patient concerns.
机译:背景:口服阿片类药物的抗篡改制剂(TRF)旨在防止某些类型的滥用(例如,鼻内,静脉内)。提出反对接受TRF的患者可能有正当的担忧,或者正在寻求更容易误用的制剂。方法:在疼痛管理方面经验丰富的美国临床医生于2011年10月开会,讨论了常见患者的反对意见,要求从非TRF阿片类药物转换为阿片类药物到相同阿片类药物的TRF。结果:将患者从非TRF转换为TRF阿片类药物的临床经验仅限于羟考酮控释(CR),因为这是临床上的经验。当时只有TRF;其他TRF的知识仅限于科学文献。患者的普遍反对意见包括“费用更高”,“保险范围之外”,“感觉不到它的作用”和“引起不良事件”。可获取羟考酮CR的客观零售药房和保险承保范围信息,并表明患者的异议基于费用和承保范围而异。未发表的试验结果(ClinicalTrials.gov)显示,TRF羟考酮CR的初始释放比非TRF制剂慢,这可能会降低积极的主观效果。 “我感觉不起作用”的抱怨可能反映出主观积极效果减弱,而不是止痛效果降低。大多数耐受性投诉缺乏客观的支持。结论:用于评估患者对TRF羟考酮CR异议有效性的一般程序可能会在其他TRF可用后应用。有关TRF的临床数据的发布将有助于临床医生适当权衡患者的担忧。



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