首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Military and Strategic Studies >Michael Petrou. Renegades: Canadian in the Spanish Civil War. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2008. (part of the Canadian War Museum’s Studies in Canadian Military History series).

Michael Petrou. Renegades: Canadian in the Spanish Civil War. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2008. (part of the Canadian War Museum’s Studies in Canadian Military History series).

机译:迈克尔·彼得鲁(Michael Petrou)。叛逆者:西班牙内战中的加拿大人。不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华市:UBC出版社,2008年。(属于加拿大战争博物馆的《加拿大军事历史研究》丛书的一部分)。



To the Editors,It is a dicey proposition to assign a book review to an author whose previous work is in direct competition with the book being reviewed. There is always the chance the reviewer won’t have the maturity to get over himself and engage the text objectively. Sadly, this appears to have been the case with Mark Zuehlke, who has published a book about Canadians in the Spanish Civil War and reviewed my book Renegades: Canadians in the Spanish Civil War for the most recent issue of the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies.Before he even addresses the content of Renegades, Zuehlke draws dark conclusions about the book based on the supposed symbolism of its cover photo. If Zuehlke had reviewed the European edition of my book, whose publishers chose a different cover, he would presumably have been forced to think up a whole new line of attack. Zuehlke also has a go at the title of my book and employs a dictionary to list the various meanings of “renegade.”When he finally gets around to saying something about what I wrote, rather than exploring the hidden meaning of eye patches in a cover photo and the etymology of the title, Zuehlke accuses me of exaggerating the involvement of the Communist Party and likens me to a character in a Bullwinkle cartoon who believes a Martian invasion is a Communist plot.Serious scholars can decide for themselves whether Zuehlke’s accusations have any merit. I will only say that the conclusions I draw are based on years going through declassified documents from the archives from the Communist International. When I say that the majority of Canadian volunteers were Communists, it’s because I have established the party affiliation for almost 900 of them (in addition to researching a multitude of other biographical details about almost 1,700 men).Zuehlke had access to material from these archives when he researched his own book but made comparatively little use of it. The documents he did consult were those that are available on microfilm at Library and Archives Canada – a valuable resource, but a fraction of what’s out there. This is a shame, and not just because it detracts from his own publication. He might also have saved himself some embarrassment when reviewing mine. In an effort to pad out his Bullwinkle analogy, Zuehlke cites the example of the Canadian volunteer Bill Williamson, who, Zuehlke says, was not a Communist but an “adventurer.” In fact, Williamson was a proud party member.If Zuehlke had spent the time that I have combing through the Comintern documents, if he had traveled to Britain and listened to the almost 20 hours of interviews with Williamson at the Imperial War Museum Sound Archive in London, he would have known this, and lots more besides. Perhaps he finds such painstaking research dry and tiresome.Michael PetrouOttawaFebruary 9, 2009
机译:对于编辑们来说,将书评分配给以前的作品与要评论的书有直接竞争关系的作者是很容易的。审阅者总是有机会没有成熟的时间来克服自己并客观地吸收文本。令人遗憾的是,马克·祖尔克(Mark Zuehlke)就是这种情况,他出版了一本关于西班牙内战中加拿大人的书,并为《军事与战略研究杂志》的最新一期回顾了我的《叛逆者:西班牙内战中的加拿大人》。甚至在谈到《叛逆者》的内容之前,祖尔克都是根据封面照片的象征性得出黑暗结论的。如果祖尔克(Zuehlke)对我的书的欧洲版进行了审查,而出版商选择了另一本书的封面,则可能会被迫思考一个全新的思路。祖尔克(Zuehlke)的书名也去了,并用字典列出了“叛逆”的各种含义。当他终于到处说出我写的东西时,他没有去探究封面中眼罩的隐藏含义。图尔克(Zuehlke)指责我夸大了共产党的参与,并把我比作Bullwinkle动画片中的一个人物,他认为火星入侵是共产党的阴谋。值得。我只会说,我得出的结论是基于多年以来共产国际档案中解密的文件得出的。当我说加拿大的大多数志愿者是共产党员时,这是因为我建立了将近900名志愿者的党派关系(除了研究了有关约1,700名男性的许多其他传记详细信息之外)。当他研究自己的书但很少使用时。他确实查阅过的文件是在加拿大图书馆和档案馆的缩微胶卷上可以找到的文件-一种宝贵的资源,但只是其中的一小部分。这是一种耻辱,不仅仅是因为它有损于他自己的出版物。在复习我的文章时,他可能还为自己节省了一些尴尬。为了夸大他对Bullwinkle的类比,祖尔克举了加拿大志愿者比尔·威廉姆森(Bill Williamson)的例子,祖尔克说,他不是共产党员,而是“冒险家”。实际上,威廉姆森是一个骄傲的党员。如果祖尔克花费了我梳理共产国际的文件,如果他曾去英国并听取了位于帝国战争博物馆声音档案馆对威廉姆森近20小时的采访。伦敦,他早就知道这一点,还有更多。也许他觉得这样艰辛的研究既干又累。迈克尔·彼得鲁(Michael Petrou)渥太华2009年2月9日



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