首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mineralogical and petrological sciences >The location of Mn (MnO: 2.0 wt%) in fluorapatite from Lavra da Golconda, near Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil

The location of Mn (MnO: 2.0 wt%) in fluorapatite from Lavra da Golconda, near Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil

机译:来自巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州加拉弗多雷斯·瓦拉达雷斯附近的拉夫拉·达·戈尔康达的氟磷灰石中锰(MnO:2.0 wt%)的位置



The local structural features around Mn in a transparent pale blue Mn–bearing fluorapatite (MnO: 2.0 wt%) from Lavra da Golconda, Brazil were investigated by a combined analysis of single crystal X–ray diffraction and XAFS. The crystal structure with the optimized formula (Ca_(4.83)Mn~(2+)_(0.15)Sr_(0.02))P_(3)O_(12)F with space group P 6_(3)/m , a = 9.384(2), c = 6.8842 (6) ?, Z = 2 has been refined to R = 1.92% for the unique 555 reflections (Mo K _(α)). The structural refinement suggests that Mn almost exclusively occupies the Ca1 site. The EXAFS analysis indicates that Mn at the Ca1 site is surrounded by nine oxygen atoms with six shorter bonds and three longer bonds. BVS calculated for the local environment around Mn shows good agreement with the expected valence state of Mn. The present EXAFS results suggest that the longer bond distances (Ca1–O3) in fluorapatite structures will not be affected by Mn due to weak bonding interactions.
机译:通过对单晶X射线衍射和XAFS的组合分析,研究了来自巴西拉夫拉达古尔康达的透明淡蓝色含锰萤石(MnO:2.0 wt%)中Mn周围的局部结构特征。优化公式为(Ca_(4.83)Mn〜(2 +)_(0.15)Sr_(0.02))P_(3)O_(12)F的晶体结构,其中空间群为 P 6_(3)/ m, a = 9.384(2), c = 6.8842(6)?,对于唯一的555次反射, Z = 2已细化为 R = 1.92%(Mo K _(α))。结构上的改进表明,Mn几乎完全占据了Ca1位。 EXAFS分析表明,Ca1位的Mn被9个氧原子包围,具有6个较短的键和3个较长的键。为Mn附近的局部环境计算的BVS与Mn的预期价态显示出良好的一致性。目前的EXAFS结果表明,由于弱的键合作用,Mn不会影响氟磷灰石结构中较长的键距(Ca1-O3)。



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