首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematics and Statistics >H-RABIN CRYPTOSYSTEM | Science Publications

H-RABIN CRYPTOSYSTEM | Science Publications




> Cryptography is the science of using mathematics that's used to hide information or data that is being sent between participants in a way that prevents other people from reading it. The need of exchanging messages secretly promoted the creation of cryptosystems to enable receivers to interpret the exchanged information. In this study, a particular public key cryptosystem called Rabin Cryptosystem is presented considered with the help of Chinese Reminder Theorem. Since the decryption algorithm of the Rabin cryptosystem is based on computing square roots modulo n, where n = p.q where p and q are primes. This study suggests a modification of Rabin cryptosystem that can make the cryptosystem more immune against some attacks. This modification focuses on considering n = p. q. r where p, q and r are primes. This new modification of Rabin cryptosystem is called H-Rabin Cryptosystem. Also, some basic mathematical concepts are explained and it finally compares the H-Rabin Cryptosystem, RSA cryptosystem and Rabin cryptosystem in terms of security and efficiency. This H-Rabin cryptosystem is a public key cryptosystem where the private key is composed of three primes, p, q and r and a public key composed of n = p. q. r and it is based on the hardness of factoring. Therefore, this new modification can make the cryptosystem more immune against some future attacks.
机译: >密码术是一门使用数学的科学,该数学用于隐藏参与者之间发送的信息或数据,从而防止他人阅读。交换消息的需求秘密地促进了密码系统的创建,以使接收者能够解释所交换的信息。在这项研究中,借助中国提醒定理,提出了一种称为Rabin密码系统的特定公钥密码系统。由于Rabin密码系统的解密算法基于对模n求平方根,因此n = p.q,其中p和q是素数。这项研究提出了对Rabin密码系统的修改,可以使该密码系统对某些攻击更具免疫力。此修改着重考虑n = p。 q。 r,其中p,q和r是质数。 Rabin密码系统的这种新修改称为H-Rabin密码系统。此外,还解释了一些基本的数学概念,并最终在安全性和效率方面比较了H-Rabin密码系统,RSA密码系统和Rabin密码系统。这个H-Rabin密码系统是一个公钥密码系统,其中的私钥由三个质数p,q和r组成,而公钥则由n = p组成。 q。 r,它基于分解的难度。因此,这种新的修改可以使密码系统对将来的某些攻击更加免疫。



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