首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural Science >Chemical Composition of Four Cultivated Tropical Bamboo in Genus Gigantochloa

Chemical Composition of Four Cultivated Tropical Bamboo in Genus Gigantochloa




The chemical compositions of cultivated 3 year-old bamboo culms of Gigantochloa brang, G. levis , G. scortechinii and G. wrayi were studied. The culms exhibited different chemical composition in extractives, Alpha-cellulose, lignin and ash contents between the bamboo species, location in the culms and position at the nodes and internodes. The extractive content in four species ranged from 8.30 to 9.23%. The extractive content of G.brang, G.levis, G.scortechinii and G.wrayi were 8.30%, 9:23%, 8:00% and 8.62% respectively. The holocellulose content for G. levis were 85.08%, G. wrayi 84.53%, G. brang 79.94% and G. scortechinii 74.62%. The holocellulose content for the cultivated bamboo genus Gigantochloa were 74% to 85%. The ?- cellulose is the chemical constituents in the holocellulose. The highest was G.brang (51.58%) followed by G. scortechinii (46.87%), G. wrayi (37.66%) and G. levis (33.80%). The lignin content ranged between 24.84 to 32.65%. The highest were obtained in G. scortechinii (32.55%), G. wrayi (30.04%), G. levis (26.50%) and lowest in G. brang (24.83%). The ash content in four species of Gigantochloa bamboo ranged between 0.88 to 2.86%. The ash content is the highest in G. scortechinii (2.83%) follow by G. levis (1.29%), G. brang (1.25%) and the lowest in G. wrayi (0.88%).
机译:研究了栽培的3岁的Gigantochloa brang,G。levis,G。scortechinii和G. wrayi竹杆的化学成分。这些茎在提取物中表现出不同的化学成分,竹种之间的α-纤维素,木质素和灰分含量,茎中的位置以及节和节间的位置不同。四个种类的提取物含量在8.30%至9.23%之间。 G.brang,G.levis,G.scortechinii和G.wrayi的提取物含量分别为8.30%,9:23%,8:00%和8.62%。李维斯氏菌的全纤维素含量为85.08%,莱格氏菌为84.53%,布朗氏菌为79.94%,麦芽球菌为74.62%。栽培的竹属Gigantochloa的全纤维素含量为74%至85%。 β-纤维素是全纤维素中的化学成分。最高的是G.brang(51.58%),其次是G. scortechinii(46.87%),W。grayi(37.66%)和Le。Levis(33.80%)。木质素含量在24.84至32.65%之间。最高的是S. scortechinii(32.55%),W。gray(30.04%),Levis的G. levis(26.50%),最低的是G. brang(24.83%)。四种金刚竹的灰分含量在0.88%至2.86%之间。灰分含量最高的是G. scortechinii(2.83%),其次是Levis levis(1.29%),G。brang(1.25%),最低的是G. wrayi(0.88%)。



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