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Assessment of Dysarthria Using One-Word Speech Recognition with Hidden Markov Models




Background The gold standard in dysarthria assessment involves subjective analysis by a speech–language pathologist (SLP). We aimed to investigate the feasibility of dysarthria assessment using automatic speech recognition. Methods We developed an automatic speech recognition based software to assess dysarthria severity using hidden Markov models (HMMs). Word-specific HMMs were trained using the utterances from one hundred healthy individuals. Twenty-eight patients with dysarthria caused by neurological disorders, including stroke, traumatic brain injury, and Parkinson's disease were participated and their utterances were recorded. The utterances of 37 words from the Assessment of Phonology and Articulation for Children test were recorded in a quiet control booth in both groups. Patients were asked to repeat the recordings for evaluating the test–retest reliability. Patients' utterances were evaluated by two experienced SLPs, and the consonant production accuracy was calculated as a measure of dysarthria severity. The trained HMMs were also employed to evaluate the patients' utterances by calculating the averaged log likelihood (aLL) as the fitness of the spoken word to the word-specific HMM. Results The consonant production accuracy reported by the SLPs strongly correlated ( r = 0.808) with the aLL, and the aLL showed excellent test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.964). Conclusion This leads to the conclusion that dysarthria assessment using a one-word speech recognition system based on word-specific HMMs is feasible in neurological disorders.
机译:背景构音障碍评估的金标准涉及言语病理学家(SLP)进行的主观分析。我们旨在调查使用自动语音识别进行构音障碍评估的可行性。方法我们开发了一种基于自动语音识别的软件,可使用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)评估构音障碍严重程度。使用来自一百个健康个体的话语训练了针对单词的HMM。参加了由中风,外伤性脑损伤和帕金森氏症等神经系统疾病引起的28个构音障碍患者,并记录了他们的话语。两组在安静的控制台中记录了“儿童语音和发音评估”测试中37个单词的发音。要求患者重复记录以评估重测信度。通过两个有经验的SLP对患者的言语进行评估,并计算辅音产生的准确性,以衡量构音障碍严重程度。训练有素的HMM还被用来通过计算平均对数似然(aLL)作为说话词对特定单词HMM的适应性来评估患者的话语。结果SLP报告的辅音生产精度与aLL密切相关(r = 0.808),并且aLL显示出极好的重测信度(类内相关系数为0.964)。结论这得出结论,在神经系统疾病中,使用基于单词特定HMM的单字语音识别系统进行构音障碍评估是可行的。



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