首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. >Fermenters in Human Infections with Special Reference to Acinetobacter Species in A Tertiary Care Hospital from North Karnataka.

Fermenters in Human Infections with Special Reference to Acinetobacter Species in A Tertiary Care Hospital from North Karnataka.




Background: Non-fermenters are a group ofaerobic non-spore forming gram negativebacilli that are either incapable of utilizingcarbohydrates as a source of energy or degradethem via oxidative rather than fermentativepathway. These are increasingly been reportedfrom the cases of nosocomial infections. Aimsand Objectives: This study was undertakenaiming to identify, characterize all non-fermenters and further study of Acinetobacterisolates. Materials and Methods: A total 116non-fermenters isolated from variousspecimens obtained from the patients in tertiarycare hospital. Gram negative bacilli whichfailed to produce acid on Triple Sugar Iron Agar(TSI) were identified by employing battery oftests. The Acinetobacter isolates were furtherspeciated and antimicrobial susceptibilitytesting done by Kirby Bauer disc diffusiontechnique. Results: Non-fermenters isolatedwere Pseudomonas aerugionsa (69.8%),Acinetobacter species (18.9%),Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (4.3%),Burkholderia cepacia (3.4%), Alcaligenesfecalis (1.7%) and Pseudomonas fluorescens(1.7%). Most of the isolates showedsusceptibility to imipenem (86.3%) whereasnone of the isolates were sensitive tocephalexin and co-trimoxazole. Conclusion:This study highlights that, after Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Acinetobacter species is the mostcommon non-fermenter. Majority of theisolates of Acinetobacter Species were ofnosocomial origin and were multidrugresistant, which underlines the importance ofproper vigilance of these infections inhospital setting.
机译:背景:非发酵菌是一组有氧的非孢子形成性革兰氏阴性菌,它们既不能利用碳水化合物作为能量来源,也不能通过氧化而不是发酵途径将其降解。从医院感染病例中越来越多地报道了这些。目的:本研究旨在鉴定,表征所有非发酵菌,并对不动杆菌进行进一步研究。材料和方法:从三级医院的患者中分离的各种标本中分离出总共116个非发酵罐。通过电池测试鉴定出在三糖铁琼脂(TSI)上不能产生酸的革兰氏阴性杆菌。通过Kirby Bauer纸片扩散技术进一步确定了不动杆菌的分离物并进行了药敏试验。结果:分离出的非发酵菌分别为铜绿假单胞菌(69.8%),不动杆菌属(18.9%),嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌(4.3%),洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌(3.4%),粪产假单胞菌(1.7%)和荧光假单胞菌(1.7%)。大多数分离株对亚胺培南表现出敏感性(86.3%),而分离株对头孢氨苄和复方新诺明均不敏感。结论:本研究强调,继铜绿假单胞菌之后,不动杆菌属是最常见的非发酵菌。不动杆菌属的大多数分离株是医院起源的,并且是多药耐药的,这突出了在医院环境中对这些感染采取适当警惕的重要性。



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