首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization >The Implication of Legal Ambiguity on Legal Protection Arrangement of Governmental Employees toward the Work Agreement Based on the Legislation

The Implication of Legal Ambiguity on Legal Protection Arrangement of Governmental Employees toward the Work Agreement Based on the Legislation




The Law No. 5 of 2014 on the Civil State Apparatus has accommodated the existence of Governmental Employees in the Work Agreement (PPPK) as stated in Act 6 stating that ASN Officers consist of PNS and PPPK. However, the PPPK arrangement in this law seems to be obscure especially related to the legal protection of PPPK in the implementation of local government. Therefore, the writer is interested to conduct research on what is the legal implication of ambiguity in legal protection arrangement toward Governmental Employees and Work Agreement applied in implementing the local government? The Research uses normative legal study, using philosophical, legislative, historic and conceptual approaches. The data collecting technique on legal material is obtained by literary study using Snowball Technique and Prescriptive Analysis Technique. The Legal Implication of arrangement ambiguity of legal protection on the Governmental Employees toward the Work Agreement used in implementing local government covers: 1) the Implication on the Position of PPPK, 2) the Implication on the Authority of PPPK, 3) the Implication on the Dispute Resolution. Key terms: PPPK, Legal Implication, Legal Protection and Local Government
机译:根据第6号法令,2014年关于民事国家仪器的第5号法律在工作协议(PPPK)中规定了政府雇员的存在,其中规定ASN官员由PNS和PPPK组成。但是,该法律中的PPPK安排似乎模糊不清,尤其是与地方政府实施中对PPPK的法律保护有关。因此,作者有兴趣进行研究,以了解法律保护安排中对政府雇员和实施地方政府适用的工作协议的歧义在法律上的含义是什么?该研究采用规范性法律研究,采用哲学,立法,历史和概念方法。法律资料的数据收集技术是通过使用Snowball技术和规范分析技术进行文学研究而获得的。政府雇员对实施地方政府所使用的工作协议的法律保护的安排含糊不清的法律含义包括:1)对PPPK职位的影响; 2)对PPPK权力的影响; 3)对PPPK权力的影响争端解决。关键词:PPPK,法律含义,法律保护和地方政府



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