首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing >Correlation Between Learning Styles and Readiness for Self-Directed Learning Among Nursing Students

Correlation Between Learning Styles and Readiness for Self-Directed Learning Among Nursing Students




Background: Learning is a continuous process which occur throughout the individuals’ lives. When one teaches to others, it is a contribution to developing ones’ attitudes, values and behaviors at the professional level while there remains a partnership of accountability between teacher and learner (Gebru, Sh, & Mohammadi, 2015). Professional development in nursing demands the acquisition of skills that promote continuing and lifelong learning outside the formal education Programme for the purpose of keeping well informed with new knowledge and skills applying to professional nursing practice. Self-directed learning is one such vital skill identified as crucial for students and nursing practitioners (Rensburg & Botma, 2015. Objective: To see the association between learning styles and readiness for self-directed among nursing students. Method : A correlational research design was used for this study. The study was carried out among 0ne hundred and forty nursing students in University of Lahore. Convenient sampling technique was used, and adopted questionnaire was distributed among participants. Results: There was the significant positive correlation between learning styles and readiness for self-directed. Which was checked by Pearson correlation test on SPSS version 23.The significant correlation value was 1 and.233.The significant value was 0.05. Conclusion: Findings of the study concluded that learning Styles and readiness for self-directed had significant positive correlation with each other.
机译:背景:学习是一个持续的过程,贯穿于整个人的一生。当一个人教给他人时,这是在专业水平上发展他们的态度,价值观和行为的一种贡献,而教师与学习者之间仍然存在问责制的伙伴关系(Gebru,Sh和Mohammadi,2015年)。护理专业发展需要获得技能,以促进正规教育计划之外的持续和终生学习,目的是使掌握适用于专业护理实践的新知识和技能的知识不断丰富。自主学习是一项对学生和护理从业者至关重要的重要技能(Rensburg&Botma,2015年。目的:了解护理风格与学习方式之间的关联,方法是:进行相关研究设计本研究是在拉合尔大学的104名护理学学生中进行的,采用了便利的抽样技术,并在参与者中分配了问卷。结论:本研究发现,学习风格和自我指导的准备工作具有一定的自我指导性,相关性分别为SPSS 23版和Pearson相关性检验。彼此之间存在显着的正相关。



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