首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics >Caesarean in Case of Scar Uterus: Indications and Maternal and Neonatal Prognosis at the University Hospital of Brazzaville (Republic of Congo)

Caesarean in Case of Scar Uterus: Indications and Maternal and Neonatal Prognosis at the University Hospital of Brazzaville (Republic of Congo)




Objective: Caesarean section in case of cicatricial uterus generates a real epidemiological and prognostic obstetric problem. It is a real concern for the obstetrician with regard to all the factors that can influence the maternal and perinatal prognosis. The aim of this study is to analyze indications for caesarean section in cases of uterine scarring and to establish maternal and neonatal pronotics at the University Hospital of Brazzaville. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study conducted from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017 at the University Hospital of Brazzaville in Congo, comparing 150 deliveries by caesarean to 300 by vaginal route. Results: one hundred and fifty cesarized were recorded among 1212 women giving birth with scar uterus (12.3%). They were different from vaginal deliveries with uterine scarring in age (31 vs 28 years, p 0.05) and mostly referred (70% vs 20.7%, p 0.05). Caesareans were performed more urgently (52.7%) than prophylactically (47.3%). The risk of being caesarized was higher in the case of multiple scar (OR = 9.8 [4.5-21.1]), less than 16 months (OR = 10.2 [2.2-47.6]), and without evidence of strength in connection with a previous vaginal delivery (OR = 4.5 [1.7-11.8]). Emergency caesarean were dominated by acute fetal asphyxia (OR = 7.3 [3.6-14.5]) and dynamic dystocia (OR = 13.3 [10.1-26.6]). Maternal morbidity in cesarized patients was related to parietal suppuration (14, 9.3%) and was associated with a low risk of endometritis (3.4% vs 12%, OR = 0.2 [0.1-0.6], p 0.05). Newborns born to caesarean mothers were more resuscitated (17.2% vs 4%, OR = 4.9 [2.4-10.2], p 0.05), transferred to neonatology (19.8% vs 7.6%, OR = 2.9 [1.6-5.3 p 0.05) and died in the neonatal period (2.6% vs 0.3%, OR = 8.1 [1.2-52], p 0.05]. Conclusion: Caesarean section indications for cicatricial uterus are dominated by obstetric emergencies involving maternal and neonatal prognosis.
机译:目的:剖宫产在瘢痕子宫的情况下产生一个真正的流行病学和预后的产科问题。对于产科医生来说,所有可能影响孕产妇和围产期预后的因素都值得关注。本研究的目的是分析子宫瘢痕形成病例的剖腹产指征,并在布拉柴维尔大学医院建立母婴代词。方法:2015年1月1日至2017年6月30日在刚果布拉柴维尔大学医院进行的一项横断面分析研究,比较了剖腹产150例分娩与阴道分娩300例的比较。结果:在1212例有疤痕子宫分娩的妇女中记录了150例剖宫产。它们不同于年龄分娩时子宫瘢痕形成的阴道分娩(31岁对28岁,p <0.05),并且大多数是转诊(70%vs 20.7%,p <0.05)。剖腹产比预防性手术(47.3%)更紧急(52.7%)。多发疤痕(OR = 9.8 [4.5-21.1]),少于16个月(OR = 10.2 [2.2-47.6])且没有证据表明与先前阴道相关的强度时,被剖腹产的风险较高。投放(OR = 4.5 [1.7-11.8])。紧急剖腹产以急性胎儿窒息(OR = 7.3 [3.6-14.5])和动态性难产(OR = 13.3 [10.1-26.6])为主。剖宫产患者的产妇发病率与顶叶化脓有关(14,9.3%),子宫内膜炎的低风险(3.4%vs 12%,OR = 0.2 [0.1-0.6],p <0.05)。剖腹产的新生儿复苏率更高(17.2%vs 4%,OR = 4.9 [2.4-10.2],p <0.05),转入新生儿科(19.8%vs 7.6%,OR = 2.9 [1.6-5.3 p <0.05)并在新生儿期死亡(2.6%vs 0.3%,OR = 8.1 [1.2-52],p <0.05]。结论:剖宫产瘢痕子宫的指征主要由产妇紧急情况决定,涉及产妇和新生儿的预后。



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