首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >The Future of Music Education in Kenya: Implementation of Curriculum and Instructional Teaching Strategies

The Future of Music Education in Kenya: Implementation of Curriculum and Instructional Teaching Strategies




This paper is an evaluation of the parameters of the concept of music curriculum that examines principles underlying the teaching and learning of music. The paper also discusses the practical nature of music education and the need for experiential learning. Music educators worldwide advocate for methods that allow for discovery learning and hence nurture creativity. Findings of other studies in this paper reveal a state of apathy toward music in Kenya and majority of teachers are handicapped in handling music in general. These studies also reveal a weakness in methodologies of teaching music and under-utilization of available resources in music teaching. In all cases, it is conceptualized that music is dismally performed due to the perennial challenges in the curriculum implementation. The study is a focus on Nairobi County, Kenya where secondary schools both private and public teaching and learning music were involved. A descriptive survey was conducted on both groups. Purposive sampling was used to select 23 schools that offer music and 23 music teachers that teach music in Nairobi County. Music students were selected using simple random sampling. A total number of 180 out of 360 form three music students and 23 teachers participated in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires, classroom observation schedule and focus group discussions. Content analysis was also done to establish some of the strategies as advocated by theorists in music education. Data was then analyzed using descriptive statistics and computation of the empirical data done using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS).
机译:本文是对音乐课程概念的参数的评估,它考察了音乐教学的基本原理。本文还讨论了音乐教育的实用性和体验学习的必要性。世界各地的音乐教育工作者倡导允许发现学习并由此培养创造力的方法。本文其他研究的发现揭示了肯尼亚对音乐的冷漠状态,大多数教师在处理音乐方面普遍存在障碍。这些研究还揭示了音乐教学方法的缺陷,以及音乐教学中可用资源的利用不足。在所有情况下,由于在课程实施过程中常年面临挑战,因此无法进行音乐表演。这项研究的重点是肯尼亚内罗毕郡,那里的中学包括私立和公立音乐教学。对两组进行了描述性调查。目的抽样被用来选择在内罗毕郡提供音乐的23所学校和提供音乐的23位音乐教师。使用简单的随机抽样选择音乐学生。 360名来自3个音乐专业的学生和23名教师中,共有180名参加了这项研究。使用问卷,教室观察时间表和焦点小组讨论收集数据。还进行了内容分析,以建立理论家在音乐教育中倡导的某些策略。然后,使用描述性统计数据对数据进行分析,并使用社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)对经验数据进行计算。



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