首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electrical Systems >Optimization of electric transmission line of power grid with carbon fiber composite core conductor.

Optimization of electric transmission line of power grid with carbon fiber composite core conductor.




With the rapid development of the society, electricity has become a vital part of people's life.However, due to the limitation of some natural conditions, a series of power accidents oftenoccur. Therefore, optimization and improvement of power transmission lines has become animportant research topic. In this study, electric transmission line was optimized by using carbonfiber composite core conductor, and a mathematical model of composite temperature field ofcarbon fiber conductor under heavy load environment was established. Compared to thetraditional steel core aluminium conductor, the carbon fiber composite core conductor had lowersurface temperature and better heat resistance and current carrying capacity. Moreover theexperiment of resistance to corrosion was carried out on the two kinds of conductor, and it wasfound that the corrosion rate of the carbon fiber composite core conductor was lower than thatof the steel core aluminium conductor under acid rain solution with 3.0 PH value. Inconclusion, the corrosion resistance and thermal properties of the carbon fiber composite coreconductor are good. This study provides a new mode for the optimization and improvement ofelectric transmission lines.
机译:随着社会的飞速发展,电力已成为人们生活中至关重要的部分,但是由于自然条件的限制,经常发生一系列电力事故。因此,输电线路的优化和改进已成为重要的研究课题。本研究利用碳纤维复合芯导体优化输电线路,建立了重载环境下碳纤维导体复合温度场的数学模型。与传统的钢芯铝导体相比,碳纤维复合芯导体具有较低的表面温度和更好的耐热性和载流能力。另外,对两种导体进行了耐蚀性试验,发现碳纤维复合芯导体在酸雨值为3.0 PH值下的腐蚀速率低于钢芯铝导体。总之,碳纤维复合芯导体的耐腐蚀性和热性能良好。该研究为输电线路的优化和改进提供了一种新的模式。



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