首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chinese Sociology >Family patronage, institutional patronage, and work family conflict: women’s employment status and subjective well-being in urban China

Family patronage, institutional patronage, and work family conflict: women’s employment status and subjective well-being in urban China




Abstract This paper concerns women’s life chances by investigating the relationship between women’s employment status and their subjective well-being. Based on the segmented labor market structure in urban China, we divide urban women into three groups, i.e., women working in the public sector, women working in the private sector, and women who are not in the labor market. Analyzing data from the 2013 Chinese General Social Survey, we find that (1) married women in better family economic situations are more likely to opt out of the labor force; (2) compared to women working in the public sector, women working in the private sector spend more hours in paid work per week; and (3) among the three groups, women working in the private sector have the lowest level of subjective well-being. Adopting the new institutionalist perspective, we propose three mechanisms, i.e., family patronage, institutional patronage, and work-family conflict, to interpret the empirical findings. Our research highlights how women’s employment and subjective well-being are shaped both by institutional context and normative environment.
机译:摘要本文通过研究妇女的就业状况与其主观幸福感之间的关系,来探讨妇女的生活机会。根据中国城市劳动力市场的细分结构,我们将城市妇女分为三类,即在公共部门工作的妇女,在私营部门工作的妇女和不在劳动力市场的妇女。通过对2013年中国社会综合调查的数据进行分析,我们发现:(1)家庭经济状况较好的已婚妇女更有可能选择退出劳动力市场; (2)与在公共部门工作的妇女相比,在私营部门工作的妇女每周在有偿工作上花费更多的时间; (3)在这三个群体中,在私营部门工作的妇女的主观幸福感水平最低。采用新的制度主义观点,我们提出了三种机制,即家庭赞助,机构赞助和工作家庭冲突,来解释实证研究结果。我们的研究强调了制度背景和规范环境如何影响妇女的就业和主观幸福感。



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