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Network diversity and educational attainment: a case study in China




Abstract This qualitative study looked at network diversity and educational attainment. In the summer of 2008, in-depth interviews were conducted with 30 undergraduate students from two of the most prestigious universities in China—Peking University and Tsinghua University. Twenty respondents came from a rural background and the other 10 were from urban areas. It was found that the educational support networks of the rural students were generally larger than those of their urban peers. This is because they faced more barriers than the urban students and their network members were less able to provide them with resources, so they needed more supporters in their journey to elite colleges. The findings indicate that rural students do not get enough help from the state and therefore have to rely on their own resources to achieve academic mobility.
机译:摘要这项定性研究着眼于网络多样性和教育程度。 2008年夏季,对来自中国两所最负盛名的大学(北京大学和清华大学)的30名本科生进行了深度访谈。 20名受访者来自农村背景,另外10名来自城市地区。结果发现,农村学生的教育支持网络通常比城市同龄人更大。这是因为与城市学生相比,他们面临更多的障碍,他们的网络成员向他们提供资源的能力较弱,因此他们在进入精英大学的过程中需要更多的支持者。调查结果表明,农村学生没有从国家获得足够的帮助,因此必须依靠自己的资源来实现学术流动。



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