首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering >Extrinsic electromagnetic fields, low frequency (phonon) vibrations, and control of cell function: a non-linear resonance system

Extrinsic electromagnetic fields, low frequency (phonon) vibrations, and control of cell function: a non-linear resonance system




Chou and Chen’s report in the 1970s suggested conformational protein adaptation (CPA) might be influenced by low frequency phonons acting as “a possible information system”. This report proposes the universal force of electromagnetism initiates the phonon system they cited as it per-turbs paramagnetic/diamagnetic dampers within the protein matrix to produce a quantized low frequency phonon signal series. (http://www.phy.ilstu.edu/~ren/phononsims/page3.html) The signal series is iteratively processed by the protein beta sub-unit, the system, to posi-tion the alpha sub-unit, the outcome, a classic non-linear resonance system resulting in con-formational protein adaptation (CPA). CPA “priming” enables a secondary ATP/redox driven power system to complete cell activity. The evolutionary appearance of these two systems reflects their hierarchy: 1) a low energy phonon driven information control circuit governed by principles of physics that, along with proteins, may have preceded planet earth, and 2), an ATP/redox power completion circuit directed by principles of chemistry that evolved in living systems 1 billion or more years after earth formed.
机译:Chou和Chen在1970年代的报告中提出,构象蛋白适应(CPA)可能受到充当“可能的信息系统”的低频声子的影响。这份报告提出了电磁的普遍力引发了他们所引用的声子系统,因为它扰乱了蛋白质基质内的顺磁性/反磁性阻尼器,从而产生了量化的低频声子信号序列。 (http://www.phy.ilstu.edu/~ren/phononsims/page3.html)信号序列由蛋白质beta子单元(系统)迭代处理,以定位alpha子单元(即结果,经典的非线性共振系统导致构象蛋白适应(CPA)。 CPA“启动”使次级ATP /氧化还原驱动的电源系统能够完成细胞活动。这两个系统的进化外观反映了它们的层次结构:1)由物理原理支配的低能声子驱动的信息控制电路,与蛋白质一起可能先于地球,以及2)定向的ATP /氧化还原功率完成电路根据化学原理,在地球形成10亿年或更久之后,这种化学原理便在生命系统中演化。



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