首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare >Response of Haricot Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Varieties to Drought Stress at Different Growth Stages

Response of Haricot Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Varieties to Drought Stress at Different Growth Stages




Drought is considered as the single most devastating environmental factor, which decreases crop yield more than the collective effect of other environmental factors. Varieties also differ in their reaction to drought stress, when they exposed to drought stress at different growth stages. Pot experiment was conducted at Hawassa College of Agriculture, southern Ethiopia, with objectives of identifying relatively drought tolerant haricot bean varieties and yield correlated traits under drought stress at different growth stages. Ten improved haricot bean varieties were subjected to drought stress by withholding water for 15 days at vegetative, flowering and pod-setting stages. The analysis of variance showed that phenology, growth and yield components were affected by both drought stress and varieties. However, their interaction effect was significant only for number of seeds plant -1 , seed yield and pod harvest index. Drought intensity indices at vegetative, flowering and pod setting stages were 0.046, 0.335 and 0.249 respectively. Drought at vegetative, flowering and pod setting stages reduces seed yield by 2.91, 33.53 and 25.11% respectively as compared to full irrigation. Plant height, branches, pods and seeds plant -1 and 100 seed weight were reduced most by the stress induced at flowering followed by pod setting stages. However, there was no statistical difference between the effects of drought stress at vegetative stage and full irrigation on all measured parameters. Varieties with higher yields under flowering stress were H/dumme (21.96g plant -1 ), Wajo(21.38g plant -1 ) and Nasir(17.45g plant -1 ) on the other hand Wajo (30.57g plant -1 ), H/dumme(22.6g plant -1 ) and Ibbado(30.45g plant -1 ) had better yield performance under full irrigtaion. Seed yield had significant and positive correlation with pod harvest index, days to maturity, number of pods on the main stem, seed plant -1 , 100 seed weight and plant height, which can be used as a selection index to screen drought tolerant haricot bean varieties. To achieve high yield, drought must be avoided during flowering and pod-setting stages, and varieties H/dumme, Wajo and Nasir can be recommended for drought prone areas.
机译:干旱被认为是破坏力最大的单一环境因素,与其他环境因素的集体影响相比,干旱使作物减产的幅度更大。当品种在不同的生长阶段暴露于干旱胁迫时,它们对干旱胁迫的反应也有所不同。盆栽试验在埃塞俄比亚南部的哈瓦萨农业学院进行,目的是确定在不同生长阶段干旱胁迫下相对耐旱的扁豆品种和产量相关性状。在营养,开花和结荚阶段,通过禁水15天,对10个改良的扁豆品种进行了干旱胁迫。方差分析表明,物候,生长和产量构成因素都受到干旱胁迫和品种的影响。然而,它们的相互作用效应仅对于种子植物-1的数量,种子产量和荚果收获指数才有意义。营养期,开花期和结荚期的干旱强度指数分别为0.046、0.335和0.249。与完全灌溉相比,在营养,开花和结荚阶段的干旱使种子产量分别减少2.91%,33.53和25.11%。在开花后紧随荚果期的胁迫下,株高,枝,荚和种子的植株-1和100种子的重量减少最多。但是,在营养期干旱胁迫和完全灌溉对所有测得参数的影响之间没有统计学差异。在开花胁迫下具有较高产量的品种为H / dumme(21.96g植物-1),Wajo(21.38g植物-1)和Nasir(17.45g植物-1),而Wajo(30.57g植物-1),H在充分灌溉条件下,/ dumme(22.6g植株-1)和Ibbado(30.45g植株-1)的产量表现更好。种子产量与荚果收获指数,成熟天数,主茎荚果数,种子植株-1、100种子重量和株高有显着正相关,可作为筛选耐旱扁豆的选择指标品种。为了获得高产,在开花和结荚阶段必须避免干旱,并且建议将H / dumme,Wajo和Nasir品种用于干旱易发地区。



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