首页> 外文期刊>Journal of analytical research in clinical medicine. >Apgar scores and cord blood gas values on neonates from cesarean with general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia

Apgar scores and cord blood gas values on neonates from cesarean with general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia




Introduction: The incidence of cesarean section has increased in most countries in recent years. Anesthetic methods used during cesarean section have some advantages anddisadvantages to both mother and neonate. In this study, for comparison of general and spinalanesthesia we evaluated the short-term outcome of neonates born through cesarean section. Methods: Retrospectively, we studied 324 mothers undergoing cesarean section with generalor spinal anesthesia. Data were obtained including maternal age, gravidity, parity, and reason of cesarean section. Maternal systolic and diastolic blood pressure, neonatal Apgar score 1and 5th minutes, the biochemical status and blood gases of arterial samples withdrawn from thecord. Furthermore, we evaluated the relation between the maternal blood pressure changeswith neonatal Apgar score and the sample of cord pH (Power of Hydrogen). Results: Of 324 mothers undergoing cesarean section, 117 subjects (36.1%) had general and217 (63.9%) had spinal anesthesia. There were no statistical significant differences between the two groups regarding the demographic characteristic. The one minute Apgar score groupin the spinal anesthesia group was significantly higher than the general anesthesia group(P = 0.01). But there were no divergence between the two groups in five minute Apgar score.Mean fetal acidity in general anesthesia group was higher than the spinal anesthesia group, buttheir differences were not statistically significant. There were no statistical significantcorrelation between the maternal blood pressure and cord's arterial blood pH or neonatalApgar score. Conclusion: The one minute Apgar score in spinal anesthesia group was better and fetalacidosis was lower than the general anesthesia group, but there was not any significant difference between the two groups regarding systolic and diastolic pressure, and there was nosignificant correlation between the maternal mean blood pressure, Apgar score and pH ofarterial cord samples. Thus, possibility of maternal hypotension and decreased uteroplacentalperfusion should not prevent the use of spinal anesthesia for cesarean section.
机译:简介:近年来,大多数国家剖宫产的发病率有所增加。剖宫产时使用的麻醉方法对母亲和新生儿都有其优点和缺点。在这项研究中,为了比较全身麻醉和脊髓麻醉,我们评估了通过剖宫产出生的新生儿的短期结局。方法:回顾性分析了324例行全麻或全麻剖宫产的母亲。获得的数据包括产妇年龄,妊娠率,胎次和剖宫产原因。孕妇收缩压和舒张压,新生儿Apgar评分1和5分钟,从脐带中抽取的动脉样本的生化状态和血气。此外,我们评估了随着新生儿Apgar评分而变化的母亲血压变化与脐带pH值(氢的力量)样本之间的关系。结果:在进行剖腹产的324名母亲中,有117名(36.1%)接受了全身麻醉,有217名(63.9%)接受了脊髓麻醉。两组之间在人口统计学特征上没有统计学上的显着差异。脊髓麻醉组的一分钟Apgar评分组明显高于全身麻醉组(P = 0.01)。但两组在5分钟Apgar评分上没有差异。全麻组的平均胎儿酸度高于脊麻组,但差异无统计学意义。孕妇血压与脐带动脉血pH或新生儿Apgar评分之间无统计学意义的相关性。结论:脊柱麻醉组的一分钟Apgar评分优于全麻组,胎儿酸中毒的发生率低于全身麻醉组,但两组的收缩压和舒张压之间无显着差异,且母体平均血液之间无显着相关性。动脉样品的血压,Apgar评分和pH值。因此,产妇低血压和子宫胎盘灌注减少的可能性不应阻止剖宫产术中使用脊髓麻醉。



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