首页> 外文期刊>Dynamic Chiropractic >Nutritional and medicinal potential of Grewia subinaequalis DC. (syn. G. asiatica.) (Phalsa)

Nutritional and medicinal potential of Grewia subinaequalis DC. (syn. G. asiatica.) (Phalsa)

机译:Grewia subinaequalis DC的营养和药用潜力。 (G. asiatica的同名)(Phalsa)



Grewia subinaequalis DC. (syn. G. asiatica) (Phalsa) is a food plant and can also be used as an herbal medicine for the treatment of various diseases. In traditional folklore medicine, the fruit has been used as astringent, stomachic and cooling agent. When unripe, it has been reported to alleviate inflammation and was administered in respiratory, cardiac and blood disorders, as well as in fever. Root and bark has been prescribed for rheumatism and its infusion used as a demulcent. The leaves were applied on skin eruptions. A number of therapeutic research was carried out on different part of this plant like fruits, leaves, stem etc. The plant possess antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihyperglycaemic, radioprotective, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, antifertility, antifungal, analgesic, antipyeretic and antiviral activities. This review focuses on the botanical description, phytochemistry, nutritional studies and pharmacological properties of this plant.
机译:Grewia subinaequalis DC。 (S. G. asiatica)(Phalsa)是一种食用植物,也可以用作治疗各种疾病的草药。在传统的民间传说医学中,这种水果已被用作收敛剂,健胃剂和清凉剂。据报道,未成熟时,它可以减轻炎症,并用于呼吸,心脏和血液疾病以及发烧。根和皮已被指定用于风湿病,其输注可作为缓和剂。叶子被喷在皮肤上。对这种植物的不同部分进行了许多治疗研究,例如水果,树叶,茎等。该植物具有抗氧化,抗糖尿病,抗高血糖,放射防护,抗微生物,保肝,抗生育,抗真菌,镇痛,退热和抗病毒活性。这篇综述着重于该植物的植物学描述,植物化学,营养研究和药理特性。



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