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Intersubjetividade, Direito e Educa??o: Sobre a leitura hegeliana do “Direito Natural” de Fichte




This paper intends to revisit Hegel′s interpretation of Fichte′s Foundation of natural Law , not by focusing on its critical aspects, but rather on the possibility of positive assimilation by Hegel. The first part attempts to comprehend the transition from the intersubjective genesis of self-consciousness ( Aufforderung ) to the deduction of the juridical recognition (§§3-4) as the interface of education ( Erziehung ) and law ( Recht ). The second part intends to reveal the historical framework that allows to consider a conflict between forms of intesubjetctive relations by the young Hegel. The third part aims to delineate the connection between the ethical life, as Einssein of individual and universal, law and education. According to the view presented in the final part, the positive assimilation may be visualized in the concept of natural ethical life as a connection of excludent and participative forms of intersubjetivity, what indicates a mediation of “love” and “right” through formation ( Bildung ).
机译:本文旨在重新审视黑格尔对费希特自然法基础的解释,而不是着眼于其批判性方面,而是黑格尔积极同化的可能性。第一部分试图理解从主体间的自我意识起源(Aufforderung)到演绎法学认识(§3-4)作为教育(Erziehung)和法律(Recht)的界面的过渡。第二部分旨在揭示历史框架,该框架允许考虑年轻的黑格尔之间的主客关系形式之间的冲突。第三部分旨在描绘伦理生活之间的联系,例如个人与普遍的爱因塞因,法律与教育。根据最后一部分提出的观点,积极的同化可以在自然伦理生活的概念中可视化为互斥性的排斥形式和参与形式的连接,这表明通过形成对“爱”和“权利”的调解(Bildung )。



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