
Electronic Books: A Bibliography




As computer usage continues to grow exponentially, the desire of users to use electronic publications(e-publications) has also increased tremendously. This has led to the publication of materials in electronic formas e-publications on both CD-ROMs and web. The electronic book (e-book) is one of the several forms ofe-publications and its popularity has been growing steadily for the past decade. This bibliography providesall references of the published literature on e-books and related technologies in one source so that it will savetime for others in conducting literature searches and reviewing the developments. The information includedin this bibliography is collected systematically from all the published sources in the world such as journalarticles, conference papers, conference proceedings, books, reports and PhD theses on e-books until thelast quarter of 2011. Mainly, it covers e-books, e-books publishing, the impact of e-books on different typesof users, e-book publishing techniques and trends, e-book user interfaces and other technologies related toe-publications. This bibliography will be useful to all researchers conducting research in any areas relatedto e-books and e-book publishing. doi:??10.14429/djlit.32.2.1593.
机译:随着计算机使用的持续呈指数增长,用户使用电子出版物(电子出版物)的愿望也大大增加。这导致在CD-ROM和Web上以电子形式电子出版物出版材料。电子书(e-book)是电子出版物的几种形式之一,在过去的十年中,其受欢迎程度一直稳定增长。本参考书目在一个来源中提供了有关电子书和相关技术的所有已出版文献的所有参考,从而可以节省其他人进行文献搜索和评论进展的时间。直到2011年最后一个季度,本参考书目中的信息都是从世界上所有已出版的资源中系统收集的,例如期刊文章,会议论文,会议论文集,书籍,报告以及关于电子书的博士学位论文。主要包括电子书,电子书出版,电子书对不同类型用户的影响,电子书出版技术和趋势,电子书用户界面和其他与出版相关的技术。本参考书目将对所有从事与电子书和电子书出版有关的领域的研究人员有用。 doi:?? 10.14429 / djlit.32.2.1593。



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