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KFuji RGB-DS database: Fuji apple multi-modal images for fruit detection with color, depth and range-corrected IR data

机译:KFuji RGB-DS数据库:带有颜色,深度和范围校正的红外数据的用于水果检测的富士苹果多模式图像



This article contains data related to the research article entitle “Multi-modal Deep Learning for Fruit Detection Using RGB-D Cameras and their Radiometric Capabilities” [1]. The development of reliable fruit detection and localization systems is essential for future sustainable agronomic management of high-value crops. RGB-D sensors have shown potential for fruit detection and localization since they provide 3D information with color data. However, the lack of substantial datasets is a barrier for exploiting the use of these sensors. This article presents the KFuji RGB-DS database which is composed by 967 multi-modal images of Fuji apples on trees captured using Microsoft Kinect v2 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA). Each image contains information from 3 different modalities: color (RGB), depth (D) and range corrected IR intensity (S). Ground truth fruit locations were manually annotated, labeling a total of 12,839 apples in all the dataset. The current dataset is publicly available athttp://www.grap.udl.cat/publicacions/datasets.html.
机译:本文包含与题为“使用RGB-D相机及其辐射测量功能进行水果检测的多模式深度学习”的研究文章有关的数据[1]。发展可靠的水果检测和定位系统对于未来高价值农作物的可持续农业管理至关重要。 RGB-D传感器提供了3D信息和彩色数据,因此具有在水果检测和定位方面的潜力。但是,缺乏大量的数据集是利用这些传感器的障碍。本文介绍了KFuji RGB-DS数据库,该数据库由使用Microsoft Kinect v2(Microsoft,Redmond,WA,USA)捕获的树上的富士苹果的967张多峰图像组成。每个图像包含来自3种不同模式的信息:颜色(RGB),深度(D)和范围校正的红外强度(S)。地面真果的位置经过人工注释,在所有数据集中总共标记了12,839个苹果。当前数据集可从http://www.grap.udl.cat/publicacions/datasets.html公开获得。



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