首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Can matter and spirit be mediated through language? Some insights from Johann Georg Hamann

Can matter and spirit be mediated through language? Some insights from Johann Georg Hamann

机译:物质和精神可以通过语言来调解吗? Johann Georg Hamann的一些见解



The Enlightenment introduced to European philosophy and thought-patterns the strict dichotomy between res extensa and res cogitans; that is, matter and spirit. How to overcome the dichotomy and conceive of the interactions between these planes of reality has since become an overarching issue for philosophers. The theory of evolution, as founded by Charles Darwin, understands human beings, with their ability to think, to have arisen in the evolutionary process. Neuroscience utilises insights from the theory of complex systems to attempt to understand how perception, thought and self-awareness can arise as a consequence of the complex system that is the brain. However, already at the height of the Enlightenment, a contemporary and critic of Immanuel Kant, Johann Georg Hamann, suggested a metaphor for understanding the interrelationship of matter and thought. This metaphor is language. The appropriateness of this metaphor can be seen both in the importance that language abilities play in the evolutionary transition to the human species and in the characteristics of complex adaptive systems.
机译:启蒙运动把欧洲哲学和思想模式引入了res可扩展性和res cogitans的严格二分法。就是物质和精神。自那以后,如何克服二分法和构想这些现实层面之间的相互作用就成为了哲学家的首要问题。查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)创立的进化论理解人类在进化过程中产生的思维能力。神经科学利用复杂系统理论中的见解来尝试理解由于复杂系统(即大脑)如何产生知觉,思想和自我意识。然而,在启蒙运动的高峰期,当代的,对伊曼纽尔·康德的批评家约翰·格奥尔格·哈曼(Johann Georg Hamann)提出了一个隐喻,以理解物质和思想之间的相互关系。这个比喻是语言。语言能力在向人类进化的过渡中扮演的重要角色,以及复杂适应系统的特征,都可以看出这种隐喻的适当性。



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