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(The Markan and Matthean) Jesus' appropriation and criticism of the Torah: The question of divorce




According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus functions as a Moses figure who, in the Sermon on the Mount, gave the new law of the kingdom of God. In this article it is argued that Jesus drew his ethic from his Jewish tradition, as manifested particularly in the Pentateuch. However, although being an inspiring source, to Jesus the Pentateuch (or scripture) was not an authority that could not be challenged or criticised. This is illustrated by focusing on the question of divorce (Mk 10:2–12; Mt 5:27–32; 19:3–12). It is argued that Jesus' use of the Pentateuch was guided by an ethic of compassion. In view of Jesus' stance, an uncritical use of the Bible (as manifested for example in many Christian circles) ironically contradicts the Bible's own message and nature.
机译:根据马太福音,耶稣是一位摩西人物,他在山上的讲道中赋予了上帝国度新的律法。在这篇文章中,有人争辩说,耶稣从他的犹太传统中汲取了自己的道德观念,特别是在五旬斋中就体现了这一点。但是,尽管是鼓舞人心的资料,但对摩西五经(或经文)来说,耶稣不是一个不能受到挑战或批评的权威。通过关注离婚问题可以说明这一点(麦10:2-12;麦5:27-32; 19:3-12)。有人认为,耶稣对五经的使用是出于同情心的。鉴于耶稣的立场,对圣经的非批判性使用(例如在许多基督徒圈子中所体现的)具有讽刺意味地与圣经本身的信息和本质相矛盾。



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