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Wittgenstein, Marx, and Marxism: Some Historical Connections




The present article aims at highlighting the connections that can be drawn between Wittgenstein and Marx(ism) from a historical point of view, through developing a synoptic account of the available relevant historical and biographical data. Starting with a discussion of Wittgenstein’s relation to the Italian Marxist economist Piero Sraffa, it then moves to a presentation of Wittgenstein’s broader circle of Marxist friends. Our account continues and concludes by examining and comparing Wittgenstein’s stance towards the Two World Wars and Stalin’s U.S.S.R. The approach developed in this article not only challenges the widespread image of Wittgenstein as a philosopher indifferent to issues of a political nature. It also traces Marxism as a significant aspect of the context in which Wittgenstein’s philosophy, and particularly its later phase, was developed.
机译:本文旨在通过发展可用的相关历史和传记数据的概要说明,从历史的角度突出维特根斯坦与马克思主义之间的联系。首先讨论维特根斯坦与意大利马克思主义经济学家皮耶罗·斯拉法(Piero Sraffa)的关系,然后介绍维特根斯坦更广泛的马克思主义朋友圈。我们的论述继续并通过总结和比较维特根斯坦对两次世界大战和斯大林的苏联的立场而得出结论。本文开发的方法不仅挑战了维特根斯坦作为哲学家的普遍形象,而且对政治性质的问题漠不关心。它也可以追溯到马克思主义是维特根斯坦哲学(特别是后期哲学)发展过程中的一个重要方面。



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