首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Die heuristiese potensiaal van narratiwiteit vir sosiaal relevante Sistematiese Teologie: Jürgen Moltmann se oorlogservarings as voorbeeldstudie

Die heuristiese potensiaal van narratiwiteit vir sosiaal relevante Sistematiese Teologie: Jürgen Moltmann se oorlogservarings as voorbeeldstudie




The heuristic potential of narrativity for socially relevant Systematic Theology: The world war experiences of Jürgen Moltmann as case study. The article argues that an argumentative discourse should be complemented by a narrative discursive mode to express the connectedness between experience and the social context in which people's life history is embedded. The article's point of departure is Jean-Baptisté Metz's notion of the ‘practical, liberating character of narrative'. An example of such a narrative systematic discourse is the approach of Michael Weinrich in which he replaces logos (ratio) with mythosis. The latter includes narratio, whilst logos does not. The life history of Jürgen Moltmann as contextual theologian serves as case study to demonstrate the heuristic potential of narrativity for contextual systematic theology. Moltmann's autobiography The Broad Place functions as the frame of reference for such a narrative approach to systematic theology.
机译:叙事对于与社会相关的系统神学的启发性潜力:作为案例研究的于尔根·莫尔特曼(JürgenMoltmann)的世界大战经历。文章认为,辩论性话语应辅以叙事性话语方式,以表达经验与嵌入人们生活史的社会环境之间的联系。本文的出发点是让·巴蒂斯特·梅斯(Jean-BaptistéMetz)的“实用,解放叙事特征”的概念。这种叙事系统话语的一个例子是迈克尔·温里奇(Michael Weinrich)的方法,他用神话代替了徽标(比率)。后者包括叙述,而徽标则不包括。于尔根·莫尔特曼(JürgenMoltmann)作为情境神学家的生活史作为案例研究,证明了叙事性对于情境系统神学的启发性潜力。莫尔特曼的自传广阔的地方作为这种系统神学叙事方法的参照系。



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