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Guide to build YOLO, a creativity-stimulating robot for children




YOLO is a non-anthropomorphic social robot designed to stimulate creativity in children. This robot was envisioned to be used by children during free-play where they use the robot as a character for the stories they create. During play, YOLO makes use of creativity techniques that promote the creation of new story-lines. Therefore, the robot serves as a tool that has the potential to stimulate creativity in children during the interaction. Particularly, YOLO can stimulate divergent and convergent thinking for story creations. Additionally, YOLO can have different personalities, providing it with socially intelligent and engaging behaviors. This work provides open-source and open-access of YOLO’s hardware. The design of the robot was guided by psychological theories and models on creativity, design research including user-centered design practices with children, and informed by expert working in the field of creativity. Specifically, we relied on established theories of personality to inform the social behavior of the robot, and on theories of creativity to design creativity stimulating behaviors. Our design decisions were then based on design fieldwork with children. The end product is a robot that communicates using non-verbal expressive modalities (lights and movements) equipped with sensors that detect the playful behaviors of children. YOLO has the potential to be used as a research tool for academic studies, and as a toy for the community to engage in personal fabrication. The overall benefit of this proposed hardware is that it is open-source, less expensive than existing ones, and one that children can build by themselves under expert supervision.
机译:YOLO是一款非拟人化社交机器人,旨在激发儿童的创造力。设想该机器人将在儿童玩耍期间供儿童使用,在那里他们将机器人用作他们创建的故事的角色。在游戏过程中,YOLO利用创造力技术来促进创作新的故事情节。因此,机器人是一种有潜力在互动过程中激发儿童创造力的工具。特别是,YOLO可以激发故事创作的分歧和趋同思想。此外,YOLO可以具有不同的个性,从而提供社交智慧和引人入胜的行为。这项工作提供了YOLO硬件的开源和开放访问。机器人的设计以关于创造力的心理学理论和模型为指导,包括以儿童为中心的以用户为中心的设计实践在内的设计研究,并由创造力领域的专家提供信息。具体来说,我们依靠既定的人格理论来告知机器人的社会行为,并依靠创造力理论来设计创造力刺激行为。然后,我们的设计决定基于与孩子一起进行的设计现场工作。最终产品是一种机器人,该机器人使用配备了检测儿童嬉戏行为的传感器的非语言表达方式(灯光和动作)进行通信。 YOLO有潜力被用作学术研究的研究工具,并成为社区从事个人制作的玩具。所建议的硬件的总体好处是它是开源的,比现有的硬件便宜,并且可以由孩子在专家的监督下自行建造。



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