首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >“Il declino dei beni comuni”. Il caso degli usi civici e dei demani comunali nell’Italia meridionale nei secoli XIX-XX = “The decline of the commons”. The case of civic uses and common properties in Southern Italy during the nineteenth and twentieth centu

“Il declino dei beni comuni”. Il caso degli usi civici e dei demani comunali nell’Italia meridionale nei secoli XIX-XX = “The decline of the commons”. The case of civic uses and common properties in Southern Italy during the nineteenth and twentieth centu

机译:“普通商品的下降”。 19世纪至20世纪意大利南部的公民使用和市政领域的案例=“公地的衰落”。第十九和第二十世纪意大利南部公民使用和共有财产的案例



“The decline of the commons”. The case of civic uses and common properties in Southern Italy during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. According to the most recent contributions of Italian Contemporary Historiography about the commons, this paper intends to retrace the main phases of the so-called process of the decline of the commons in Southern Italy, from the 1800s until the beginning of the 1900s, conducted in the context of a most wide program of socio-economic transformation based on the consideration of civic uses and common properties as weights to be removed in favor of the full right to own property. In the present essay, the attention is focused on the case of the ancient province of Terra d’Otranto – now including the provinces of Lecce, Brindisi and Taranto – in order to retrace the several social conflicts triggered by the dismantlement of the civic uses and commons properties.
机译:“公地的衰落”。 19世纪和20世纪意大利南部的公民使用和共有财产的案例。根据意大利当代史学关于公地的最新贡献,本文旨在追溯从1800年代到1900年代初在意大利南部进行的所谓的公地衰落过程的主要阶段。在考虑公民使用和共同财产的权重的基础上,制定一项最广泛的社会经济转型计划的背景,以权衡有利于拥有财产的全部权利。在本文中,注意力集中在古老的特拉奥多里托省(Terra d'Otranto)的案例中,该省现在包括莱切,布林迪西和塔兰托等省,以便追回由于拆除民用建筑和建筑而引发的若干社会冲突。公共财产。




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