首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Zanardi o dell’esattezza. Omaggio all’arte di Andrea Pazienza in uno stato di estrema nostalgia=Zanardi or about exactness. A tribute to the art of Andrea Pazienza in a mood of extreme nostalgia

Zanardi o dell’esattezza. Omaggio all’arte di Andrea Pazienza in uno stato di estrema nostalgia=Zanardi or about exactness. A tribute to the art of Andrea Pazienza in a mood of extreme nostalgia

机译:Zanardi或准确性。在极端怀旧的状态下赞扬安德里亚·帕齐恩扎(Andrea Pazienza)的艺术= Zanardi或讲究精确性。在极度怀旧的气氛中向安德里亚·帕齐恩扎(Andrea Pazienza)的艺术致敬



Zanardi or about exactness. A tribute to the art of Andrea Pazienza in a mood of extreme nostalgia. Andrea Pazienza (1956-1988) was an Italian artist considered one of the most influential cartoonist of his generation and a great innovator of the European comics tradition. Prematurely dead for drug abuse, the artist created a narrative universe populated by young dropouts and animated by their strange and emotional adventures. The essay is especially dedicated to Zanardi, Andrea Pazienza’s most famous character, a sort of materialization of a new “cool” generation feature (the 80’s), following the “hot” political season of the 70’s. Behind the violent stories of Zanardi and his partners, Pazienza reveals an amazing competence to investigate the social world through his multiform graphic style and his extraordinary narrative talent
机译:Zanardi或关于准确性。以极度怀旧的心情向安德烈·帕齐恩扎(Andrea Pazienza)的艺术致敬。安德里亚·帕齐恩扎(Andrea Pazienza,1956-1988年)是一位意大利画家,被认为是这一代人中最有影响力的漫画家之一,并且是欧洲漫画传统的伟大创新者。这位因吸毒而过早死亡的艺术家创造了一个叙事世界,其中充满了年轻的辍学者,并因他们的奇异而激动的冒险而活跃起来。这篇文章特别针对的是安德里亚·帕齐恩扎(Andrea Pazienza)最著名的角色扎纳尔迪(Zanardi),这是继70年代的“热”政治季节之后,新的“酷”一代特征(80年代)的具体体现。在Zanardi和他的伴侣的暴力故事的背后,Pazienza展现出了惊人的能力,以其多样化的图形风格和非凡的叙事才能来研究社会世界



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