首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >La nostalgia come leitmotiv del Bildungsroman tondelliano = Nostalgia as a leitmotif of the tondelliano Bildungsroman

La nostalgia come leitmotiv del Bildungsroman tondelliano = Nostalgia as a leitmotif of the tondelliano Bildungsroman




Nostalgia as a leitmotif of the tondelliano Bildungsroman.This paper deals with the theme of nostalgia within the literary work of Pier Vittorio Tondelli and, going deep into the smallest details, the many gateway trips and the as many ways back of the variously autobiographical main character. Object of the exegesis is the continuum made up by the two writer’s apical novels, which can be read as a Bildungsroman containing either a strong integration yearning or a final accomplished growth, against the backdrop of relatively peaceful western Eighties. The Bildungsroman is analyzed starting from the sparkling Altri libertini until that novel of love and death, memories, escapes and return trips which is called Camere separate
机译:怀旧是通德莱亚诺·比隆古斯罗曼(Tondelliano Bildungsroman)的主旋律。本文探讨了皮埃尔·维托里奥·通德利(Pier Vittorio Tondelli)文学作品中的怀旧主题,并深入探讨了最小的细节,许多门户旅行和各种自传主角的返回方式。 。训sis的对象是由两位作家的根深蒂固的小说组成的连续体,在相对和平的西方八十年代的背景下,这可以被理解为是一个具有强烈的融合向往或最终完成的成长的比尔登斯格罗曼。从闪闪发光的Altri libertini开始分析Bildungsroman,直到那本关于爱情与死亡,记忆,逃生和回程的小说被称为Camere独立



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