首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Paura in viaggio - Il disastro ferroviario come topos della narrativa moderna = Travelling fear: the railway disaster as a topos of modern fiction

Paura in viaggio - Il disastro ferroviario come topos della narrativa moderna = Travelling fear: the railway disaster as a topos of modern fiction




Travelling fear: the railway disaster as a topos of modern fiction. If we want to trace the antecedents of the anxieties and fears generated by communication systems, we should first recognize a continuity between transport and communication (Abruzzese, 2003), and we should therefore inspect the history of transportation technologies. That said, the image of the shipwreck emerges, it does not matter if the shipwreck is wanted by men or by an evil fate. It is the central topos of many stories and ballads since the dawn of navigation, and it finds its counterpart in industrial modernity in the railway disaster. The railway disaster, an unavoidable possibility since the birth of the railway (Schivelbusch, 1988), is a topic little or nothing considered in the social sciences; on the contrary, the railway disaster is a topos. This topos was variously explored by literature and cinematography, since Charles Dickens, subject to post-traumatic stress syndrome for having himself been involved in a derailment in 1865, poured out his anxieties in The Signal-Man (1982), and émile Zola made a train wreck the expected conclusion of his Human Beast (2013). And if the railway disaster is uncanny, disturbing for its unexpected arrival, especially for the unsuspecting traveler, its spectacularity has made it a perfect climax for cinematographic works ranging from the famous Cassandra Crossing (Cosmatos, 2008) to Wagon Lits with Murders (Hiller, 1977) and Hugo Cabret (Scorsese, 2012), the latter reinterpreting two really happened incidents. In the present work, it is our intention to trace some relevant uses of the topos of the railway disaster in literature and cinematography, highlighting its efficiency as a trigger of that perturbing feeling that remains one of the most relevant characteristics of modern narratives.
机译:旅途中的恐惧:铁路灾难是现代小说的主题。如果我们想追溯通信系统产生的焦虑和恐惧的前因,我们首先应该认识到运输和通信之间的连续性(Abruzzese,2003),因此我们应该检查运输技术的历史。话虽如此,海难的形象浮现,无论是人类还是邪恶的命运都需要海难。自航行之初以来,它是许多故事和民谣的中心话题,并且在铁路灾难中在工业现代性中找到了对等的地方。自铁路诞生以来不可避免的可能性就是铁路灾难(Schivelbusch,1988),这是社会科学中很少或根本没有考虑的话题。相反,铁路灾难是一场灾难。自从1865年因参与出轨而遭受创伤后压力综合症的查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)在``信号人''(The Signal-Man,1982)中倾倒了他的焦虑之后,埃米尔·佐拉(ÉmileZola)火车破坏了他的《人类野兽》(Human Beast,2013)的预期结论。如果铁路灾难是不可思议的,它意外地到来,特别是对于毫无戒心的旅行者,会造成极大的困扰,那么它的壮观就使其成为了电影摄影的高潮,从著名的Cassandra Crossing(Cosmatos,2008)到Wagon Lits with Murders(Hiller, 1977年)和雨果·卡布雷(Hugo Cabret)(斯科斯科斯,2012年),后者重新解释了两次真正发生的事件。在当前的工作中,我们打算追踪文学和摄影术中铁路灾难的主题的一些相关用途,强调其效率是引发这种困扰感的触发因素,而这种困扰感仍然是现代叙事中最相关的特征之一。



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