首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Ipocrisia e purezza dell’autorità in “Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto” di E. Petri, sulle orme di “Masochismo e Autorità” di E. Fromm=Hypocrisy and pureness of authority in “Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto” (E. Petri, 1970) in relation with “The authoritarian-masochistic character” by E. Fromm

Ipocrisia e purezza dell’autorità in “Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto” di E. Petri, sulle orme di “Masochismo e Autorità” di E. Fromm=Hypocrisy and pureness of authority in “Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto” (E. Petri, 1970) in relation with “The authoritarian-masochistic character” by E. Fromm

机译:E. Petri在“调查怀疑之上的公民”中的伪善和权威纯正,E。Petm在“受虐狂和权威”的脚步中发扬伪装和纯正高于“ E. Fromm怀疑”(E. Petri,1970)



Hypocrisy and pureness of authority in “Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto” (E. Petri, 1970) in relation with “The authoritarian-masochistic character” by E. Fromm. This work had been written in order to investigate Ipocrisia of authority: a will to feel itself and to show itself as a body without faults and vices, without infringement and indecencies. A cinematographic document of this self-perception is Elio Petri’s movie, “Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto” (Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion). Screenplay, dialogues and actor’s work on the character are in relation with the features of authority — pureness, majesty, gap, aplomb — listed in “Studies on the authority and family”, a work by Frankfurt School’s intellectuals, in particular in “The authoritarian-masochistic character” by Erich Fromm. Ipocrisia in authority aims to excrete every error, every contamination from itself, creating a dissociative mechanism supposed to achieve self-healing. A transfer of judgment and responsability has been done from the immaterial body of authority to the living human body, “to reaffirm the idea of authority with all its pureness”
机译:虚伪和权威的纯正与E. Fromm的“威权主义受虐狂性”(E. Petri,1970年)有关(Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto)。撰写这本书是为了调查权威的I私:一种自我感觉并表现为一个没有缺点和缺点,没有侵权和in亵行为的身体的意愿。关于这种自我感知的电影摄影作品是埃里奥·佩特里(Elio Petri)的电影“对怀疑中的公民的调查”(Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto)。剧本的对话,对话和演员的作品与权威的特征有关—纯粹,威严,鸿沟,沉着—列于法兰克福学派知识分子的著作《权威与家庭研究》中,特别是在“专制主义者”中。 -受虐狂角色”,作者:埃里希·弗罗姆(Erich Fromm)。权威上的虚伪旨在消除每个错误,消除每个污染本身,从而创建一种可以实现自我修复的分离机制。已经将判断力和责任从非物质的权威转移到了活着的人类身上,“以纯净的方式重申了权威的观念”



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