首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Patachitra: una forma artistica e narrativa indiana, locale e globale =Building Inter-Cultural Bridges through Patachitra

Patachitra: una forma artistica e narrativa indiana, locale e globale =Building Inter-Cultural Bridges through Patachitra




Building Inter-Cultural Bridges through Patachitra. Patachitra or scroll painting is an ancient art form of India. It can be a means of studying and understanding Indian culture as it illustrates certain fundamental elements of the same. Patachitra like India is ancient and modern at the same time, it goes from mythology to modernity. India’s motto is “Unity in diversity” and patachitra has its own array of diversity in forms, colors, subjects and styles. India is home to many different religions and patachitra too is inter-religious. In Naya village the chitrakars who are Muslims sing and paint about global events and also about Shiva and Jesus. In today’s world people from different cultures need to interact with each other. The purpose of education is to equip individuals to face the realities of life. Studying patachitra helps to reflect on the “self” and the “other” and facilitates thought on differences and similarities between different cultures. If we dwell on the idea of diversity and difference and not of superiority and inferiority interactions may be smoother among individuals and cultures
机译:通过Patachitra建立文化间桥梁。 Patachitra或卷轴画是印度的一种古老艺术形式。它可以作为研究和理解印度文化的一种手段,因为它说明了印度文化的某些基本要素。像印度这样的Patachitra既是古代又是现代,它从神话走向现代。印度的座右铭是“多样性统一”,patachitra在形式,颜色,主题和风格上都有自己的多样性。印度拥有许多不同的宗教,而patachitra也是宗教间的宗教。在Naya村,穆斯林的chitrakars歌唱和绘画有关全球性事件以及湿婆神和耶稣的故事。在当今世界,来自不同文化背景的人们需要相互交流。教育的目的是使个人面对生活的现实。学习patachitra有助于反思“自我”和“他人”,并有助于思考不同文化之间的异同。如果我们关注多样性和差异而不是优势和劣势的观念,那么个人和文化之间的互动可能会更加顺畅



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