首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >“θα γρ?ψουμε ιστορ?α, scriveremo la storia”. Alexis Tsipras e la campagna elettorale del 25 gennaio 2015 in Grecia = Alexis Tsipras and the election campaign of January 25th, 2015 in Greece

“θα γρ?ψουμε ιστορ?α, scriveremo la storia”. Alexis Tsipras e la campagna elettorale del 25 gennaio 2015 in Grecia = Alexis Tsipras and the election campaign of January 25th, 2015 in Greece




Alexis Tsipras and the election campaign of January 25th, 2015 in Greece. Alexis Tsipras’s primary election of January 25th, 2015 resulted in a very significant political change, especially for a party that until a few years ago was very small, almost insignificant. This paper discusses the main axes of Tsipras’ and Syriza’s communication and highlights the winnig aspects of the Greek radical left’s electoral spot, which has become a mass party: the main Syriza’s proposals about the youth, women, pensioners, the time of change, the opposition hope vs. fear, etc.
机译:亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)和2015年1月25日在希腊的竞选活动。亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)在2015年1月25日举行的初选产生了非常重大的政治变化,尤其是对于直到几年前规模很小,几乎微不足道的政党。本文讨论了齐普拉斯和Syriza交往的主轴,并突出了已成为群众党的希腊激进左翼选举地点的Winnig方面:Syriza的主要建议涉及青年,妇女,养老金领取者,变革时期,反对派希望与恐惧等



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