首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Le piazze di Atene. Reportage sociologico sulle icone della rinascita democratica = The squares of Athens. A sociological report about the icons of a democracy's renaissance

Le piazze di Atene. Reportage sociologico sulle icone della rinascita democratica = The squares of Athens. A sociological report about the icons of a democracy's renaissance




The squares of Athens. A sociological report about the icons of a democracy's renaissance. The purpose of this paper is to examine the greek squares as the possible icons of a democracy's renaissance in Europe. Places as Syntagma square or Klafthmonos square played an important role since the rise of the anti-austerity movement in Greece and during the last election campaign. The images of the greek squares seem to suggest the idea of a postmodern incarnation of the ancient Athenian agora and are strictly linked to the success of Syriza and Alexis Tsipras. In this report the author (who has been in Athens during the days of the last elections) will try to focalize the attention on the representation of social conflict in Greece in the last five years and on the role played by the squares images in the semiotic battle between supporters and critics of austerity and in the Syriza rising to power. Trying to enlighten the relation between icons and politics this paper will focus the distinguishing feature of the new agorà symbolised by greek squares and the link between squares and political parties like Syriza.
机译:雅典广场。关于民主复兴的标志的社会学报告。本文的目的是考察希腊广场,作为欧洲民主复兴的可能标志。自希腊反紧缩运动兴起以来,以及在上次选举中,宪法广场或克拉夫莫诺斯广场都在其中发挥了重要作用。希腊广场的图像似乎暗示了古代雅典集市的后现代化身的想法,并且与Syriza和Alexis Tsipras的成功息息相关。在本报告中,作者(上次选举期间曾在雅典住过)将尝试着重关注最近五年来希腊社会冲突的代表以及方格图像在符号学中所扮演的角色支持者和紧缩批评家之间的斗争,以及在Syriza上台之后。为了阐明图标与政治之间的关系,本文将重点介绍以希腊方块为代表的新agorà的鲜明特征,以及方块与政党(如Syriza)之间的联系。




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