首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Endocrinology: The Journal of the Society for Endocrinology >Hypercapnia counteracts captopril-induced depression of gastric mucosal oxygenation

Hypercapnia counteracts captopril-induced depression of gastric mucosal oxygenation




Hypercapnia (HC) increases systemic oxygen delivery (DO_(2)) and gastric mucosal oxygenation. However, it activates the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS), which conversely reduces mesenteric perfusion. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of RAAS inhibition during normocapnia and HC on oral and gastric mucosal oxygenation (μHbO_(2)) and to assess the effect of blood pressure under these circumstances. Five dogs were repeatedly anesthetized to study the effects of ACE inhibition (ACE-I; 5?mg/kg captopril, followed by 0.25?mg/kg per h) on μHbO_(2) (reflectance spectrophotometry) and hemodynamic variables during normocapnia (end-tidal CO_(2)=35?mmHg) and HC (end-expiratory carbon dioxide (etCO_(2))=70?mmHg). In the control group, the dogs were subjected to HC alone. To exclude the effects of reduced blood pressure, in one group, blood pressure was maintained at baseline values via titrated phenylephrine (PHE) infusion during HC and additional captopril infusion. ACE-I strongly reduced gastric μHbO_(2) from 72±2 to 65±2% and mean arterial pressure (MAP) from 64±2 to 48±4?mmHg, while DO_(2) remained unchanged. This effect was counteracted in the presence of HC, which increased gastric μHbO_(2) from 73±3 to 79±6% and DO_(2) from 15±2 to 22±4?ml/kg per min during ACE-I without differences during HC alone. However, MAP decreased similar to that observed during ACE-I alone from 66±3 to 47±5?mmHg, while left ventricular contractility (dP_(max)) increased from 492±63 to 758±119?mmHg/s. Titrated infusion of PHE had no additional effects on μHbO_(2). In summary, our data suggest that RAAS inhibition reduces gastric mucosal oxygenation in healthy dogs. HC not only abolishes this effect, but also increases μHbO_(2), DO_(2), and dP_(max). The increase in μHbO_(2) during ACE-I under HC is in accordance with our results independent of blood pressure.
机译:高碳酸血症(HC)会增加全身的氧气输送(DO_(2))和胃粘膜氧合。然而,它激活了肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAAS),反过来减少了肠系膜的灌注。这项研究的目的是评估正常碳酸血症和HC期间RAAS抑制对口腔和胃粘膜氧合(μHbO_(2))的影响,并评估在这些情况下血压的影响。反复麻醉五只狗,以研究ACE抑制(ACE-1; 5?mg / kg卡托普利,然后每小时0.25?mg / kg)对μHbO_(2)(反射分光光度法)和正常睡眠状态下血流动力学变量的影响(结束) -潮气中的CO_(2)= 35?mmHg)和HC(呼气末二氧化碳(etCO_(2))= 70?mmHg)。在对照组中,犬只接受HC。为了排除血压降低的影响,在一组中,通过在HC期间滴定去氧肾上腺素(PHE)输注和另外的卡托普利输注将血压维持在基线值。 ACE-1将胃的μHbO_(2)从72±2%强烈降低到65±2%,平均动脉压(MAP)从64±2降低到48±4?mmHg,而DO_(2)保持不变。在没有HC-1的情况下,在HC-1的存在下,HC的存在会抵消这种作用,HC将胃μHbO_(2)从73±3增加到79±6%,DO_(2)从15±2增加到22±4?ml / kg HC期间的差异。但是,MAP的降低与仅在ACE-1中观察到的相似,从66±3降至47±5?mmHg,而左心室收缩力(dP_(max))从492±63升高至758±119?mmHg / s。滴定的PHE输注对μHbO_(2)没有其他影响。总而言之,我们的数据表明RAAS抑制可减少健康犬的胃粘膜氧合。 HC不仅消除了这种影响,而且还增加了μHbO_(2),DO_(2)和dP_(max)。 HC-1在ACE-1期间μHbO_(2)的增加与我们的结果无关,与血压无关。



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