首页> 外文期刊>Wildlife Biology >Impacts of piscivorous birds on salmonid populations and game fisheries in Scotland: a review

Impacts of piscivorous birds on salmonid populations and game fisheries in Scotland: a review




Abstract The Scottish populations of salmonids are important both ecologically and economically. Game fisheries for Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, sea trout Salmo trutta trutta and brown trout Salmo trutta fari are all highly acclaimed and generate substantial levels of income for Scotland, but many populations are in decline and efforts are being made to ensure the future sustainability of these species. These declines have led to a focus on the impact of piscivorous bird predation on fish populations. The purpose of our review was to assess the evidence for population-level impacts on salmonid populations, and/or economic impacts on Scottish game fisheries of predation by the four primary UK freshwater piscivorous bird species: cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, goosander Mergus merganser, red-breasted merganser Mergus serrator and grey heron Ardea cinerea. There is evidence that these birds can, in some situations, remove large numbers of fish from stocked and natural fisheries. However, a lack of information on fish population levels, the numbers and species composition of feeding birds, and robust calculations of fish consumption has hampered the conversion of the results of the existing studies into useful quantitative measures of impact. As a consequence, few studies have demonstrated any reductions in numbers of breeding fish or fish productivity due to predation by piscivorous birds, or direct economic loss to fisheries in Scotland. We support a previous recommendation for a reiterative procedure of modelling, experimentation and remodelling to assess the impacts of piscivorous birds on fisheries. Wide-scale studies of the movements of piscivorous birds, their feeding locations in relation to river characteristics, and the factors that make fish particularly vulnerable to predation are seen as important areas for future research.
机译:摘要苏格兰鲑鱼种群在生态和经济上都很重要。大西洋鲑Salmo salar,海鳟Salmo trutta trutta和褐鳟Salmo trutta fari的野生渔业都广受赞誉,并为苏格兰创造了可观的收入水平,但是许多人口正在减少,并且正在努力确保这些鲑鱼的未来可持续性种类。这些下降导致人们将重点放在食肉性鸟类捕食对鱼类种群的影响上。我们进行审查的目的是评估英国四种主要淡水食鱼鸟类对population鱼种群的种群水平影响和/或对苏格兰野味捕捞渔业的经济影响的证据:Ph(Phoracrocorax carbo)car,秋沙鸭Mergus秋沙鸭,红-胸秋沙鸭Mergus serser和灰鹭Ardea cinerea。有证据表明,在某些情况下,这些鸟类可以从放养和天然渔业中捕捞大量鱼类。但是,由于缺乏有关鱼类种群水平,饲喂鸟类的数量和种类组成的信息,以及对鱼类消耗量的可靠计算,因此阻碍了将现有研究结果转换为有用的定量影响指标的工作。结果,很少有研究表明由于食肉性鸟类的捕食或苏格兰的渔业直接经济损失而导致的繁殖鱼数量减少或鱼类生产力下降。我们支持先前关于建模,实验和重塑的迭代程序的建议,以评估食鱼鸟对渔业的影响。对食肉类鸟类的运动,与河川特性有关的摄食位置以及使鱼类特别容易受到捕食的因素的大规模研究被视为未来研究的重要领域。



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