首页> 外文期刊>Verbum et Ecclesia >The distinctiveness of Christian morality ? Reflections after 30 years

The distinctiveness of Christian morality ? Reflections after 30 years

机译:基督教道德的独特性? 30年后的反思



I completed my doctoral dissertation on The distinctiveness of Christian morality in 1978. In this article, now more than 30 years later, I critically examined the extent to which the view that I developed in my doctoral dissertation is still valid today and to what extent it stands to be corrected in the light of developments in Christian ethics in the meantime. Firstly, I provided a brief summary of the view developed in the dissertation. Secondly, I discussed the influential alternative view of Stanley Hauerwas and attempted to identify ways in which his view necessitates corrections to my own view in the dissertation. Thirdly, I criticised the one-sidedness of Hauerwas?s view on the distinctiveness of Christian morality and discussed ways in which we need to go beyond Hauerwas?s view in order to develop a more satisfactory and also more inclusive approach.
机译:我于1978年完成了关于“基督教道德的独特性”的博士论文。在这篇文章中,至今已有30多年了,我批判性地研究了我在博士论文中提出的观点在今天仍然有效的程度以及在何种程度上有效同时,应根据基督教道德的发展予以纠正。首先,我对本文提出的观点进行了简要总结。其次,我讨论了斯坦利·豪瓦斯(Stanley Hauerwas)的有影响力的另类观点,并试图确定他的观点需要对我自己的观点进行修正的方式。第三,我批评了Hauerwas关于基督教道德独特性的观点的单面性,并讨论了我们需要超越Hauerwas的观点以发展一种更令人满意且更具包容性的方法的方法。



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