首页> 外文期刊>Toxins >Detoxification of Deoxynivalenol via Glycosylation Represents Novel Insights on Antagonistic Activities of Trichoderma when Confronted with Fusarium graminearum

Detoxification of Deoxynivalenol via Glycosylation Represents Novel Insights on Antagonistic Activities of Trichoderma when Confronted with Fusarium graminearum




Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin mainly produced by the Fusarium graminearum complex, which are important phytopathogens that can infect crops and lead to a serious disease called Fusarium head blight (FHB). As the most common B type trichothecene mycotoxin, DON has toxic effects on animals and humans, which poses a risk to food security. Thus, efforts have been devoted to control DON contamination in different ways. Management of DON production by Trichoderma strains as a biological control-based strategy has drawn great attention recently. In our study, eight selected Trichoderma strains were evaluated for their antagonistic activities on F. graminearum by dual culture on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. As potential antagonists, Trichoderma strains showed prominent inhibitory effects on mycelial growth and mycotoxin production of F. graminearum . In addition, the modified mycotoxin deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside (D3G), which was once regarded as a detoxification product of DON in plant defense, was detected when Trichoderma were confronted with F. graminearum . The occurrence of D3G in F. graminearum and Trichoderma interaction was reported for the first time, and these findings provide evidence that Trichoderma strains possess a self-protection mechanism as plants to detoxify DON into D3G when competing with F. graminearum .
机译:脱氧雪腐烯酚(DON)是一种真菌毒素,主要由镰刀镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum)复合物产生,霉菌是重要的植物病原体,可感染农作物并导致严重的疾病,称为镰刀菌枯萎病(FHB)。 DON是最常见的B型单端孢霉菌真菌毒素,对动物和人类有毒作用,对食品安全构成威胁。因此,已经致力于以不同方式控制DON污染。最近,以木霉菌菌株为基础的生物控制对DON生产的管理受到了极大的关注。在我们的研究中,通过在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA)培养基上双重培养,评估了八种选定的木霉菌株对禾谷镰刀菌的拮抗活性。作为潜在的拮抗剂,木霉菌株对禾谷镰刀菌的菌丝生长和真菌毒素产生了显着的抑制作用。此外,当木霉菌面对禾谷镰孢时,发现了曾经被认为是植物防御中DON的解毒产物的修饰的霉菌毒素脱氧新戊烯醇-3-葡萄糖苷(D3G)。首次报道了禾谷镰刀菌和木霉菌相互作用中D3G的发生,这些发现提供了证据,木霉菌菌株具有自我保护机制,因为植物在与禾谷镰刀菌竞争时将DON解毒成D3G。



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