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Detailed design process and assembly considerations for snap-fit joints using additive manufacturing




The use of additive manufacturing (AM) technology has been widely adopted due to the facility to produce highly complex elements compared to conventional fabrication processes. Additionally, AM technology is rapidly developing straightforward systems enabling designers to make products faster, despite current technology limitations (i.e. processing defects, materials properties, etc.). However, not only AM technology or products must be analyzed to have concrete solutions to all existing limitations. This means, it is necessary to take into account AM design process to propose simpler solutions. Elements manufactured by AM technology have dimension limitations on build size regarding printers building capabilities, especially when the elements are more volumetric than the building chamber. In those cases, AM design process takes a significant role and a potential solution is to divide big elements in sections, which are later 3D-printed and joined using snap-fits, as the cheapest and fastest connectors available. Thus, the present work explores the detail design stages of a proposed design methodology for elements′ coupling by snap-fit joints using AM technology. The design methodology is tested on the assembly of parts from a 1-gallon plastic container. A finite element simulation for the parts coupling scenarios is presented and the effects of part’s deflection on the detail design stages are analyzed. In addition, a final design validation regarding assembly ergonomics and retention forces are discussed in order to avoid part decoupling problems or material failure.
机译:增材制造(AM)技术的使用已被广泛采用,因为与传统的制造工艺相比,该设备可生产高度复杂的元件。另外,尽管当前存在技术限制(例如,加工缺陷,材料特性等),增材制造技术仍在快速开发简单易用的系统,使设计人员能够更快地生产产品。但是,不仅必须分析增材制造技术或产品,以针对所有现有限制提供具体解决方案。这意味着,有必要考虑AM设计过程以提出更简单的解决方案。 AM技术制造的元件在尺寸上限制了打印机的构建能力,特别是当这些元件的体积比构建室大时。在这些情况下,增材制造设计过程将发挥重要作用,而潜在的解决方案是将较大的元素划分为多个部分,然后将这些元素进行3D打印并使用卡扣配合进行连接,以作为最便宜,最快的连接器。因此,本工作探索了一种拟议的设计方法的详细设计阶段,该设计方法用于使用AM技术通过搭扣配合连接进行元素耦合。该设计方法论是在用1加仑塑料容器组装零件时进行测试的。给出了零件耦合场景的有限元模拟,并分析了零件变形对详细设计阶段的影响。此外,还讨论了有关装配工效学和保持力的最终设计验证,以避免零件分离问题或材料故障。



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