首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions >Common musculoskeletal adverse effects of oral treatment with once weekly alendronate and risedronate in patients with osteoporosis and ways for their prevention

Common musculoskeletal adverse effects of oral treatment with once weekly alendronate and risedronate in patients with osteoporosis and ways for their prevention




Objective: To examine in a major cohort of patients whether or not musculoskeletal adverse effects (MAEs), similar to those seen in intravenous bisphosphonates (BP), might occur also in high dosage oral treatment regimens with alendronate (ALN) and risedronate (RSN). Patients and methods: 612 consecutive patients treated in the osteoporosis outpatient clinic at Charité, Campus Benjamin Franklin, between July 2002 and October 2003 with oral ALN or RSN (mean age 68.2+/-9.7 years; 527 females, 85 males), were examined and followed up for MAEs. Results: The overall frequency of any severe MAEs in our patients was low (5.6%). All severe MAEs occurred in primarily once weekly treated patients: 27 in ALN 70 mg once weekly (27/134=20.1%) and 7 in RSN 35 mg once weekly (7/28=25.0%), with no significant difference between those groups. The most frequently reported MAE was acute arthralgia in 12.6%, followed by acute back pain in 9.1% of all primarily once weekly treated cases. None of the 302 patients initially treated with daily BP reported any MAEs when later switching to once weekly administration (218 patients to ALN 70 mg once weekly and 84 patients to RSN 35 mg once weekly). With reference to recently published data, the phenomenon is probably related to dose dependent በT cell activation by accumulation of isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) due to inhibition of the mevalonate pathway by nitrogen containing bisphosphonates (nBP). Conclusions: MAEs in oral BP are, in general, less common and severe than in intravenous BP. They are observed exclusively in patients starting ALN or RSN treatment with once weekly dosage regimens. In order to avoid this phenomenon, it is suggested to start ALN or RSN treatment with the lower daily dosages of ALN 10 mg daily or RSN 5 mg daily for about two weeksbefore switching to the overall, more convenient, once weekly dose regimen
机译:目的:检查主要患者队列中的肌肉骨骼不良反应(MAE)是否与静脉注射双膦酸盐(BP)相似,是否也可能在高剂量口服阿仑膦酸盐(ALN)和利塞膦酸盐(RSN)的治疗方案中发生。患者和方法:检查了2002年7月至2003年10月在本杰明·富兰克林校园Charité的骨质疏松症门诊治疗的612例连续患者,口服ALN或RSN(平均年龄68.2 +/- 9.7岁;女性527例,男性85例)然后跟进MAE。结果:我们患者中任何严重MAE的总发生率较低(5.6%)。所有严重的MAE均主要发生在每周一次的治疗患者中:27例每周一次ALN 70 mg(27/134 = 20.1%)和7例每周一次RSN 35 mg(7/28 = 25.0%),两组之间无显着差异。报告最频繁的MAE是急性关节痛,占12.6%,其次是急性背痛,占主要每周一次治疗病例的9.1%。最初接受每日BP治疗的302例患者中,后来转为每周一次给药时,均未报告任何MAE(218例患者,每周一次ALN 70 mg,84例RSN 35 mg每周)。参考最近发表的数据,该现象可能与剂量依赖性ΔT细胞活化有关,后者是由于含氮的双膦酸盐(nBP)抑制甲羟戊酸途径而导致的异戊烯基焦磷酸(IPP)积累。结论:与静脉内BP相比,口服BP的MAE通常少见且严重。仅在每周一次的ALN或RSN治疗开始的患者中观察到它们。为了避免这种现象,建议在开始使用总体更方便的每周一次给药方案之前,先以每天10 mg或每天5 mg RSN的较低每日剂量开始ALN或RSN治疗,然后再改用总体更方便的每周一次剂量方案



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