首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology >A Comparison between High Frequency Positive Pressure Ventilation and Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation during Closed Mitral Valvotomy

A Comparison between High Frequency Positive Pressure Ventilation and Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation during Closed Mitral Valvotomy




Background: Patients with tight mitral stenosis usually suffer low cardiac output symptoms and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance. They may be candidates for the use of high frequency positive pressure ventilation (HFPPV). We aimed to compare HFPPV with intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) in patients subjected to closed mitral valvotomy (CMV).Methods: Twenty-four patients subjected to closed mitral valvotomy were randomly allocated to ventilation with IPPV or HFPPV. The minute volume in the IPPV group was given as a tidal volume of 10 ml/kg and a respiratory rate of 14 breaths/min, while in the HFPPV it was given as a tidal volume of 3 ml/kg and a respiratory rate of 60 breaths/min. Heart rate, arterial blood pressure, right atrial pressure (RAP), O2 saturation (SpO2), end-tidal CO2 (PeCO2), arterial CO2 tension (PaCO2) and arterial O2 tension (PaO2) were recorded during the procedure. In addition, interferences to correct hypoxaemia were recorded. Dead space fraction was calculated.Results: RAP decreased significantly during surgery in HFPPV group when compared to IPPV group. Interferences with manual ventilation to correct hypoxaemia were less frequent in HFPPV group compared to IPPV group. In each group dead space fraction increased significantly during surgery when compared to the baseline values. Surgeon's complaint was more frequent in IPPV group.Conclusion: The use of HFPPV during closed mitral valvotomy provides a safe alternative to the conventional IPPV with possible better right side unloading, less hypoxic episodes and better surgical conditions. Introduction Tight mitral stenosis is one of the most prevalent valve disorders in Egypt. Closed mitral valvotomy (CMV) is the technique of choice for treatment of rheumatic mitral stenosis (1,2). Percutaneous mitral balloon valvoplasty (PMBV) may be the preferred approach when surgical intervention is contraindicated.Low cardiac output and high pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) are the consequences of mitral valve stenosis (3). Therefore, patients with mitral stenosis usually suffer limited exercise tolerance (4). During CMV, the critical period of dilatation of the valve with the surgeon's right index finger and Tubbs dilator is usually associated with profound decrease in the cardiac output (CO) and sometimes hypoxaemia. The mode of ventilation during this period may have additional effects. High frequency positive pressure ventilation (HFPPV) was reported to have more favourable effects on cardiac output, pulmonary vascular resistance and oxygen transport compared to conventional intermittent positive pressure ventilation (5). The use of HFPPV may be advantageous during the period of valvotomy in respects of haemodynamics, oxygenation and easiness of surgical access. To test this hypothesis, patients subjected to CMV were randomly allocated to ventilation with either IPPV or HFPPV. Haemodynamics, oxygenation, ventilation and easiness of surgical access were considered the outcome measures. Patients and methods This randomised comparative study was approved by the Hospital Ethics Committee and informed written consents were obtained from all patients. Twenty-four patients suffering from tight mitral stenosis and subjected to CMV were enrolled. Patients with mitral regurgitation, atrial thrombi or rapid atrial fibrillation were excluded from the study. Redo cases were also excluded from the study. Preoperative evaluation included history, clinical examination, ECG, chest X-ray, laboratory tests and echocardiography. Patients received oral diazepam 5 mg the night and morning of the operation. At the operative suite, patients received midazolam 2–4 mg and fentanyl 50–70 μg intravenously. Monitoring included ECG, pulse oximetry and side-stream capnography. An arterial cannula was inserted in the brachial artery of the non-dominant limb for blood pressure monitoring and blood gas analysis. The right internal jugular vein was cannulated for right atrial pr
机译:背景:二尖瓣狭窄的患者通常会出现低心排血症状和肺血管阻力升高。它们可能是使用高频正压通气(HFPPV)的候选者。我们的目的是比较闭合性二尖瓣切开术(CMV)患者的HFPPV与间歇性正压通气(IPPV)。方法:将二十四例闭合性二尖瓣切开术的患者随机分配为IPPV或HFPPV进行通气。 IPPV组的分钟体积为潮气量10 ml / kg,呼吸频率为14呼吸/分钟,而HFPPV组的潮气量为3 ml / kg,呼吸频率为60呼吸/分钟在手术过程中记录心率,动脉血压,右心房压力(RAP),O2饱和度(SpO2),潮气末CO2(PeCO2),动脉CO2张力(PaCO2)和动脉O2张力(PaO2)。此外,记录了纠正低氧血症的干预措施。结果:与FPPV组相比,HFPPV组手术期间RAP显着降低。与IPPV组相比,HFPPV组较少进行人工通气以纠正低氧血症。与基线值相比,每组中死腔分数在手术期间均显着增加。结论:在闭合性二尖瓣切开术中使用HFPPV可以替代传统IPPV,从而可以更好地减轻右侧负重,减少缺氧发作并改善手术条件。引言二尖瓣狭窄是埃及最普遍的瓣膜疾病之一。封闭二尖瓣切开术(CMV)是治疗风湿性二尖瓣狭窄的首选技术(1,2)。当禁忌手术干预时,经皮二尖瓣球囊成形术(PMBV)可能是首选方法。低心输出量和高肺血管阻力(PVR)是二尖瓣狭窄的后果(3)。因此,二尖瓣狭窄患者通常承受有限的运动耐力(4)。在CMV期间,用外科医生的右手食指和Tubbs扩张器扩张瓣膜的关键时期通常与心输出量(CO)的急剧下降和低氧血症有关。在此期间的通风方式可能会产生其他影响。据报道,与常规间歇性正压通气相比,高频正压通气(HFPPV)对心输出量,肺血管阻力和氧气输送具有更有利的影响(5)。就血液动力学,充氧和手术入路的容易性而言,在心脏瓣膜切开术期间使用HFPPV可能是有利的。为了检验该假设,将接受CMV的患者随机分配IPPV或HFPPV进行通气。血流动力学,充氧,通气和手术入路的简便性被认为是结果指标。患者和方法这项随机比较研究得到医院伦理委员会的批准,并获得了所有患者的知情书面同意。入选了二尖瓣狭窄狭窄并接受CMV的24例患者。二尖瓣关闭不全,心房血栓或快速心房颤动的患者被排除在研究之外。重做病例也被排除在研究之外。术前评估包括病史,临床检查,心电图,胸部X光,实验室检查和超声心动图。患者在手术的晚上和早晨接受口服地西epa 5 mg。在手术室,患者静脉注射咪达唑仑2-4 mg和芬太尼50-70μg。监测包括心电图,脉搏血氧饱和度和侧流二氧化碳描记法。将动脉套管插入非优势肢的肱动脉中,以进行血压监测和血气分析。右颈内静脉插管用于右心房



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